Ticket #32706: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.0 KB (added by bpanulla (Brian Panulla), 13 years ago)

New Portfile

1# $Id: Portfile 78609 2011-05-14 07:38:20Z ryandesign@macports.org $
3PortSystem          1.0
4PortGroup           python27 1.0
6name                py27-odbc
7set real_name       pyodbc
8version             2.1.11
9categories-append   databases devel
10platforms           darwin
11license             MIT
12maintainers         singingwolfboy openmaintainer
13description         Python DB API 2 module for ODBC
14long_description  \
15    ${description}. This project provides an up-to-date, convenient \
16    interface to ODBC using native data types like datetime and decimal.
18homepage            http://code.google.com/p/${real_name}/
19master_sites        http://${real_name}.googlecode.com/files/
20distname            ${real_name}-${version}
21use_zip             yes
22checksums           md5     f8f62b725fbd88f4ba5bca288ae7d697 \
23                    sha1    df7c4aeca8e0ef96af83c51c7ff8c44ef361cc67 \
24                    rmd160  3d8a78ff4a9a24cb2810dbb24f41c04e07bf0b1c
25patchfiles          setup.py.patch
26depends_lib-append  port:unixODBC