Ticket #32942: phpsh.diff

File phpsh.diff, 863 bytes (added by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), 13 years ago)

proposed patch

  • Portfile

    1414platforms               darwin freebsd
    1616homepage                http://www.phpsh.org
    17 fetch.type              git
    1818description             PHP read-eval-print-loop
    1919long_description \
    2020    phpsh is a read-eval-print-loop for PHP that features readline history, tab \
    2121    completion, and quick access to documentation. It was developed at Facebook \
    2222    and ironically, is written mostly in Python.
     24checksums               rmd160  5188164d79f107d3494a240b33b5e05b1344b40a \
     25                        sha256  2792485c541ad8420f912e01a6be85c07b9c352c087e3b4d54a5a61e53f51d0e
    2427depends_lib             path:bin/php:php5 port:python27 \
    2528                        port:php5-posix port:php5-pcntl