Ticket #35140: Portfile.enblend.diff

File Portfile.enblend.diff, 890 bytes (added by hvdwolf@…, 12 years ago)

Portfile patch to include configure patch for compination with boost 1.50

  • Portfile

    old new  
    55name            enblend
    66version         4.0
    7 revision        3
     7revision        4
    88categories      graphics
    99maintainers     gmail.com:hvdwolf
    1010description     a tool to composite images
    2828                port:openexr \
    2929                port:freefont-ttf
    31 patchfiles      libpng14.diff src__vigra_impex__Makefile.am.diff
     31patchfiles      libpng14.diff src__vigra_impex__Makefile.am.diff configure.in.diff
    3232# need to regenerate a Makefile.in after patching Makefile.am above
    3333use_autoreconf  yes
    3434configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
    3535                --enable-image-cache=yes \
    36                 --enable-split-doc=no
     36                --enable-split-doc=no 
    3838if {${configure.compiler} == "clang"} {
    3939    configure.compiler llvm-gcc-4.2