Ticket #35992: patch-compileerrors.diff

File patch-compileerrors.diff, 1.9 KB (added by mojca (Mojca Miklavec), 12 years ago)

Patches for Gate 6.2

  • source/digits_hits/include/GateMaps.hh

    old new inline GateMap<Tkey,Tvalue>::GateMap(size_t n, GateMap<Tkey,Tvalue> *mapArray[]) 
    117117  for (size_t i=0; i<n ; i++){
    118118    GateMap<Tkey,Tvalue>* mapElement = mapArray[i];
    119119    for (iterator iter = mapElement->begin(); iter != mapElement->end(); iter++)
    120       insert(*iter);
     120      this->insert(*iter);
    121121  }
  • source/general/include/GateUIcmdWithAVector.hh

    old new template<typename vContentType> 
    118118G4String GateUIcmdWithAVector<vContentType>::ConvertToString
    119119(std::vector<vContentType> vec)
    121   char st[100];
     121  //char st[100];
    122122  //LF
    123123  //std::ostrstream os(st,100);
    124   std::ostringstream os(st,100);
     124  std::ostringstream os;
    125125  //LF
    126126  for (G4int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) os << vec[i] << " ";
    127127  os << '\0';
    128   G4String vl = st;
     128  G4String vl = os.str();
    129129  G4cout << "GateUIcmdWithAVector::ConvertToString : " << vl << G4endl;
    130130  return vl;
  • source/physics/src/GateBinaryCascade.cc

    G4Fragment * GateBinaryCascade::FindFragments() 
    22752275  }
    22772277  G4int zCaptured = 0;
    2278   G4LorentzVector CapturedMomentum=0;
     2278  G4LorentzVector CapturedMomentum(0);
    22792279  for(i = theCapturedList.begin(); i != theCapturedList.end(); ++i)
    22802280  {
    22812281      CapturedMomentum += (*i)->Get4Momentum();
    G4LorentzVector GateBinaryCascade::GetFinalNucleusMomentum() 
    23892389// return momentum of nucleus for use with precompound model; also keep transformation to
    23902390//   apply to precompoud products.
    2392   G4LorentzVector CapturedMomentum=0;
     2392  G4LorentzVector CapturedMomentum(0);
    23932393  G4KineticTrackVector::iterator i;
    23942394//  G4cout << "GetFinalNucleusMomentum Captured size: " <<theCapturedList.size() << G4endl;
    23952395  for(i = theCapturedList.begin(); i != theCapturedList.end(); ++i)