Ticket #36634: tig-1.1.patch

File tig-1.1.patch, 1.3 KB (added by robsonpeixoto@…, 12 years ago)
  • Portfile

    44PortSystem          1.0
    55PortGroup           github 1.0
    7 github.setup        jonas tig 1.0 tig-
     7github.setup        jonas tig 1.1 tig-
    88categories          devel
    99maintainers         cal openmaintainer
    1010description         A text interface to git repositories
    1313homepage            http://jonas.nitro.dk/tig/
    1414platforms           darwin
    16 checksums           sha1    090830c1b3d2d979e2986ff7f089f3365e5a2e9d \
    17                     rmd160  ff12c694cfc1de38349c644980eb9cdbe9b147fb
     16checksums           sha1    dbf33e3329e4e84e518910080b9fc97305f0fe91 \
     17                    rmd160  b2a32bba14a359115461a5ff89493d5ac0cebf60
    1919depends_lib         port:git-core \
    2020                    port:libiconv \
    2323                    port:asciidoc \
    2424                    port:xmlto
    26 # Just a small patch: graph->position is type size_t which on my machine is unsigned.
    27 # so clang happily detects an expression which is always false and dies with an error.
    28 post-patch {
    29     reinplace "s/graph->position < 0/false/" $worksrcpath/graph.c
    30 }
    3226# We need to create the configure file,
    3327# the github version does not contain it.
    3428pre-configure {