Ticket #36974: portfile_diff_2012_11_14.diff

File portfile_diff_2012_11_14.diff, 2.4 KB (added by robertoschwald (Robert Oschwald), 12 years ago)

Changes by macsforever2000, changed build dependency qwt-devel to qwt, create startup item for bacula-fd in console_bat, conflicts client-only

  • Portfile

    old new  
    3030                 port:zlib
    3232# Comment out patchfiles in case they are needed in the future or for the non-client version which is completely untested at this point
    33 #patchfiles       patch-configure.diff \
    34 #                 patch-base64-typecast.diff
     33#                patch-configure.diff \
     34#                patch-base64-typecast.diff
    3636#post-patch {
    3737#                 reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
    8787  configure.args-append --enable-client-only
     90variant console_bat conflicts client_only description "Install bacula client and BAT console" {
     91  patchfiles       patch-qt-console-osx.diff
     92  depends_build-append  port:tcp_wrappers \
     93                        port:makeicns
     94  depends_lib-append    port:qt4-mac \
     95                        port:qwt
     96  configure.args-append --enable-bat
     97  # as bat can only be built with the client or server variants, we build with client
     98  configure.args-append --enable-client-only
     99  post-patch {
     100    system "makeicns -in ${worksrcpath}/src/qt-console/images/bat_icon.png -out ${worksrcpath}/src/qt-console/images/bat_icon.icns"
     101  }
     102  post-destroot {
     103    file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/bacula/bat.conf ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/bacula/bat.conf.example
     104    # for now, copy manually until upstream provider fixes bat.app install routines
     105    xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${applications_dir}
     106    copy ${worksrcpath}/src/qt-console/bat.app ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Bacula-BAT.app
     107  }
     108  notes "To use the Bacula BAT GUI, you'll need to configure \"${prefix}/etc/bacula/bat.conf\"."
    90111variant mysql5 conflicts client_only postgresql83 postgresql84 sqlite2 sqlite3 description "Install bacula client and server with mysql 5 backend" {
    91112  depends_lib-append    path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5
    92113  configure.args-append --with-mysql
    119140  configure.args-delete --without-sqlite3
    122 if {![variant_isset mysql5] && ![variant_isset postgresql83] && ![variant_isset postgresql84] && ![variant_isset sqlite2] && ![variant_isset sqlite3]} {
     143if {![variant_isset mysql5] && ![variant_isset postgresql83] && ![variant_isset postgresql84] && ![variant_isset sqlite2] && ![variant_isset sqlite3] && ![variant_isset console_bat]} {
    123144  default_variants +client_only