Ticket #37149: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 970 bytes (added by lockhart (Thomas Lockhart), 12 years ago)

Patch to suppress document building in case docbook-utils is installed when fontconfig is installed or updated. Also patch doc sources to use available versions of docbook in case docs are built in the future.

  • Portfile

    old new  
    77name                        fontconfig
    88version                     2.10.1
     9revision                    1
    910categories                  graphics
    1011maintainers                 ryandesign
    1112license                     fontconfig
    3738set docdir                  ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
    39 configure.args              --disable-silent-rules
     40post-patch {
     41    # Update content to docbook-4.x since we do not have 3.x available in MacPorts
     42    reinplace "s|V3.1|V4.2|" \
     43        ${worksrcpath}/doc/fontconfig-user.sgml \
     44        ${worksrcpath}/doc/fontconfig-devel.sgml
     47configure.args              --disable-silent-rules HASDOCBOOK=no
    4149# We put this into a pre-configure block so it can be evaluated _after_ platform selection.
    4250pre-configure {