Ticket #37226: 1.patch

File 1.patch, 10.6 KB (added by seanfarley (Sean Farley), 12 years ago)

py-pynifti: consolidate into one portfile

  • new file dports/python/py-pynifti/Portfile

    # HG changeset patch
    # User Sean Farley <sean.michael.farley@gmail.com>
    # Date 1354641868 21600
    # Node ID fd44d4f4c83b2acf2652d7e9ea85435c09690fb4
    # Parent  21aadd9c6ce795dcf188e22d4e44ec6c02e71061
    py-pynifti: consolidate into one portfile
    diff --git a/dports/python/py-pynifti/Portfile b/dports/python/py-pynifti/Portfile
    new file mode 100644
    - +  
     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
     2# $Id$
     4PortSystem              1.0
     5PortGroup               python26 1.0
     7name                    py26-pynifti
     8version                 0.20100607.1
     9categories              python
     10platforms               darwin
     11maintainers             jameskyle
     12description             PyNIfTI aims to provide easy access to NIfTI images from within Python.
     13long_description        ${description}. It uses SWIG-generated wrappers for the NIfTI reference library and provides the NiftiImage class for Python-style access to the image data.
     15homepage                http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftilib
     16master_sites            sourceforge:project/niftilib/pynifti/${version}
     18checksums               rmd160  f9337ca40681b76432ac362d088034d79ba28556 \
     19                        sha256  d1607d330e94576d6b0f18690b5b94c75ed1a93722c573e9ea781580f555611a
     21depends_lib             port:py26-numpy \
     22                        port:nifticlib \
     23                        port:swig-python
     25build.env               CCFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include -L${prefix}/lib -I${prefix}/include/nifti"
     27distname                pynifti_${version}
     28worksrcdir              pynifti-${version}
     29patchfiles              patch-setup-py.diff
     30post-patch {
     31  reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/setup.py
     34variant gcc43 conflicts gcc44 gcc45 description {build with gcc 4.3} {
     35    depends_build-append port:gcc43
     36    configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.3
     39variant gcc44 conflicts gcc43 gcc45 description {build with gcc 4.4} {
     40    depends_build-append port:gcc44
     41    configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.4
     44variant gcc45 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 description {build with gcc 4.5} {
     45    depends_build-append port:gcc45
     46    configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.5
     49if {![variant_isset gcc43] && ![variant_isset gcc44]} {
     50    default_variants +gcc45
     53livecheck.regex {pynifti_([0-9.]+).tar.gz}
  • new file dports/python/py-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff

    diff --git a/dports/python/py-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff b/dports/python/py-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff
    new file mode 100644
    - +  
     1--- setup.py.orig       2010-07-06 10:29:56.000000000 -0500
     2+++ setup.py    2012-10-15 07:13:51.000000000 -0500
     3@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     4 # Common configuration #
     5 ########################
     7-extra_link_args = ['--Wl,--no-undefined']
     8+extra_link_args = []
     9 include_dirs = []
     10 library_dirs = []
     11 defines = []
     12@@ -45,11 +45,8 @@
     13 else:
     14     # try to look for nifticlibs in some place
     15     if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
     16-        include_dirs += ['/usr/include/nifti',
     17-                         '/usr/include/nifticlibs',
     18-                         '/usr/local/include/nifti',
     19-                         '/usr/local/include/nifticlibs',
     20-                         '/usr/local/include']
     21+        include_dirs += ['@@PREFIX@@/include/nifti']
     22+        library_dirs.append('@@PREFIX@@/lib')
     23     else:
     24         # no clue on windows
     25         pass
     26@@ -64,9 +61,6 @@
     27     os.environ['SWIG_FEATURES'] = '-DWIN32 ' + os.environ['SWIG_FEATURES']
     28     defines.append(('WIN32', None))
     30-# apple stuff
     31-if sys.platform == "darwin":
     32-    extra_link_args.append("-bundle")
     35 ##############
  • deleted file dports/python/py25-pynifti/Portfile

    diff --git a/dports/python/py25-pynifti/Portfile b/dports/python/py25-pynifti/Portfile
    deleted file mode 100644
    + -  
    1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    2 # $Id$
    4 PortSystem              1.0
    5 PortGroup               python25 1.0
    7 name                    py25-pynifti
    8 version                 0.20100607.1
    9 categories              python
    10 platforms               darwin
    11 maintainers             jameskyle
    12 description             PyNIfTI aims to provide easy access to NIfTI images from within Python.
    13 long_description        ${description}. It uses SWIG-generated wrappers for the NIfTI reference library and provides the NiftiImage class for Python-style access to the image data.
    15 homepage                http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftilib
    16 master_sites            sourceforge:project/niftilib/pynifti/${version}
    18 checksums               rmd160  f9337ca40681b76432ac362d088034d79ba28556 \
    19                         sha256  d1607d330e94576d6b0f18690b5b94c75ed1a93722c573e9ea781580f555611a
    21 depends_lib             port:py25-numpy \
    22                         port:nifticlib \
    23                         port:swig-python
    25 build.env               CCFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include -L${prefix}/lib -I${prefix}/include/nifti"
    27 distname                pynifti_${version}
    28 worksrcdir              pynifti-${version}
    29 patchfiles              patch-setup-py.diff
    30 post-patch {
    31   reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/setup.py
    32 }
    34 variant gcc43 conflicts gcc44 gcc45 description {build with gcc 4.3} {
    35     depends_build-append port:gcc43
    36     configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.3
    37 }
    39 variant gcc44 conflicts gcc43 gcc45 description {build with gcc 4.4} {
    40     depends_build-append port:gcc44
    41     configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.4
    42 }
    44 variant gcc45 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 description {build with gcc 4.5} {
    45     depends_build-append port:gcc45
    46     configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.5
    47 }
    49 if {![variant_isset gcc43] && ![variant_isset gcc44]} {
    50     default_variants +gcc45
    51 }
    53 livecheck.regex {pynifti_([0-9.]+).tar.gz}
  • deleted file dports/python/py25-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff

    diff --git a/dports/python/py25-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff b/dports/python/py25-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff
    deleted file mode 100644
    + -  
    1 --- setup.py.orig       2010-07-06 10:29:56.000000000 -0500
    2 +++ setup.py    2012-10-15 07:13:51.000000000 -0500
    3 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    4  # Common configuration #
    5  ########################
    7 -extra_link_args = ['--Wl,--no-undefined']
    8 +extra_link_args = []
    9  include_dirs = []
    10  library_dirs = []
    11  defines = []
    12 @@ -45,11 +45,8 @@
    13  else:
    14      # try to look for nifticlibs in some place
    15      if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    16 -        include_dirs += ['/usr/include/nifti',
    17 -                         '/usr/include/nifticlibs',
    18 -                         '/usr/local/include/nifti',
    19 -                         '/usr/local/include/nifticlibs',
    20 -                         '/usr/local/include']
    21 +        include_dirs += ['@@PREFIX@@/include/nifti']
    22 +        library_dirs.append('@@PREFIX@@/lib')
    23      else:
    24          # no clue on windows
    25          pass
    26 @@ -64,9 +61,6 @@
    27      os.environ['SWIG_FEATURES'] = '-DWIN32 ' + os.environ['SWIG_FEATURES']
    28      defines.append(('WIN32', None))
    30 -# apple stuff
    31 -if sys.platform == "darwin":
    32 -    extra_link_args.append("-bundle")
    35  ##############
  • deleted file dports/python/py26-pynifti/Portfile

    diff --git a/dports/python/py26-pynifti/Portfile b/dports/python/py26-pynifti/Portfile
    deleted file mode 100644
    + -  
    1 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    2 # $Id$
    4 PortSystem              1.0
    5 PortGroup               python26 1.0
    7 name                    py26-pynifti
    8 version                 0.20100607.1
    9 categories              python
    10 platforms               darwin
    11 maintainers             jameskyle
    12 description             PyNIfTI aims to provide easy access to NIfTI images from within Python.
    13 long_description        ${description}. It uses SWIG-generated wrappers for the NIfTI reference library and provides the NiftiImage class for Python-style access to the image data.
    15 homepage                http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftilib
    16 master_sites            sourceforge:project/niftilib/pynifti/${version}
    18 checksums               rmd160  f9337ca40681b76432ac362d088034d79ba28556 \
    19                         sha256  d1607d330e94576d6b0f18690b5b94c75ed1a93722c573e9ea781580f555611a
    21 depends_lib             port:py26-numpy \
    22                         port:nifticlib \
    23                         port:swig-python
    25 build.env               CCFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include -L${prefix}/lib -I${prefix}/include/nifti"
    27 distname                pynifti_${version}
    28 worksrcdir              pynifti-${version}
    29 patchfiles              patch-setup-py.diff
    30 post-patch {
    31   reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/setup.py
    32 }
    34 variant gcc43 conflicts gcc44 gcc45 description {build with gcc 4.3} {
    35     depends_build-append port:gcc43
    36     configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.3
    37 }
    39 variant gcc44 conflicts gcc43 gcc45 description {build with gcc 4.4} {
    40     depends_build-append port:gcc44
    41     configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.4
    42 }
    44 variant gcc45 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 description {build with gcc 4.5} {
    45     depends_build-append port:gcc45
    46     configure.compiler   macports-gcc-4.5
    47 }
    49 if {![variant_isset gcc43] && ![variant_isset gcc44]} {
    50     default_variants +gcc45
    51 }
    53 livecheck.regex {pynifti_([0-9.]+).tar.gz}
  • deleted file dports/python/py26-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff

    diff --git a/dports/python/py26-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff b/dports/python/py26-pynifti/files/patch-setup-py.diff
    deleted file mode 100644
    + -  
    1 --- setup.py.orig       2010-07-06 10:29:56.000000000 -0500
    2 +++ setup.py    2012-10-15 07:13:51.000000000 -0500
    3 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    4  # Common configuration #
    5  ########################
    7 -extra_link_args = ['--Wl,--no-undefined']
    8 +extra_link_args = []
    9  include_dirs = []
    10  library_dirs = []
    11  defines = []
    12 @@ -45,11 +45,8 @@
    13  else:
    14      # try to look for nifticlibs in some place
    15      if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    16 -        include_dirs += ['/usr/include/nifti',
    17 -                         '/usr/include/nifticlibs',
    18 -                         '/usr/local/include/nifti',
    19 -                         '/usr/local/include/nifticlibs',
    20 -                         '/usr/local/include']
    21 +        include_dirs += ['@@PREFIX@@/include/nifti']
    22 +        library_dirs.append('@@PREFIX@@/lib')
    23      else:
    24          # no clue on windows
    25          pass
    26 @@ -64,9 +61,6 @@
    27      os.environ['SWIG_FEATURES'] = '-DWIN32 ' + os.environ['SWIG_FEATURES']
    28      defines.append(('WIN32', None))
    30 -# apple stuff
    31 -if sys.platform == "darwin":
    32 -    extra_link_args.append("-bundle")
    35  ##############