Ticket #37361: Portfile.patch

File Portfile.patch, 896 bytes (added by mklein-de (Michael Klein), 12 years ago)

Patch to use 10.7 SDK on 10.8 and later

  • dports/python/py-lightblue/Portfile

    diff --git a/dports/python/py-lightblue/Portfile b/dports/python/py-lightblue/Portfile
    index abe42ff..9dc73a4 100644
    a b if {${subport} != ${name}} { 
    6060                ${worksrcpath}/src/mac/LightAquaBlue/__init__.py
    6161        }
    6262    }
     64    if {${os.platform} == "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 12} {
     65        # Fix #37361: use 10.7 SDK on 10.8 or later
     66        configure.sdkroot ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk
     67    }
    6469    post-patch {
    6570        reinplace "s|/Library/Frameworks|${frameworks_dir}|g" \
    6671            ${worksrcpath}/setup.py \
    6772            ${worksrcpath}/src/mac/_LightAquaBlue.py
    68         reinplace "s|DSTROOT=/|DSTROOT=${destroot}|g" \
     73        reinplace "s|DSTROOT=/|SDKROOT=\"${configure.sdkroot}\" DSTROOT=${destroot}|g" \
    6974            ${worksrcpath}/setup.py
    7075    }