Ticket #37705: p5-pmtools-Portfile.patch

File p5-pmtools-Portfile.patch, 1.1 KB (added by jpo@…, 12 years ago)

p5-pmtools Portfile patch

  • Portfile

    old new  
    55PortGroup           perl5 1.0
    77perl5.branches      5.8 5.10 5.12 5.14 5.16
    8 perl5.setup         pmtools 1.10 Devel
    9 revision            3
     8perl5.setup         pmtools 1.30 Devel
    109platforms           darwin
    11 maintainers         di.uminho.pt:jpo
     10maintainers         di.uminho.pt:jpo openmaintainer
    1312description         A suite of small programs to help manage Perl modules
    1413long_description    \
    1716    follow the \"keep it small\" notion of many tiny tools each doing one \
    1817    thing well, eschewing giant megatools with millions of options.
    20 checksums           md5     3cb192b5b241037d6b701e6e26ef2425 \
    21                     sha1    9be28391ea83c47b6a6ffd9d2e6466cf86f33f57 \
    22                     rmd160  b9a9bae1cf47b7f8af5565431ffceed7edbe636f
     19checksums           rmd160 a165fa3f09e25287a34b8399ab442d0192c2d305 \
     20                    sha256 8662103905aba2debfe36e378fb3130e4b0367eb4d271ac851317dc2b8deea90
    2422supported_archs noarch