Ticket #37884: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.5 KB (added by lockhart (Thomas Lockhart), 12 years ago)

Universal patch to upgrade to TAO-2.1.7 (corresponds to ACE-6.1.7).

  • Portfile

    old new  
    1313name                tao
    1414set name_package    ACE+TAO
    15 version             6.1.5
     15version             6.1.7
    1616distname            ${name_package}-${version}
    1717categories          devel
    1818platforms           darwin
    4646                    patch-include-makeinclude-platform_macros.GNU.diff \
    4747                    patch-include-makeinclude-platform_macosx_mountainlion.GNU.diff
    49 checksums           rmd160  0d9c4a771c131e827144187b43833c1df92dd644 \
    50                     sha256  37bc4c4d495d1ef12a464ec275151a3204f2d503734e43bfdcb598cb9d7b2ab9
     49checksums           rmd160  bc744bdf26eb19db89df7cd1636d3c544aeccfb2 \
     50                    sha256  102b47378858f8325c533e60c7691913177ef340a0ff47b72a9ad9bd7c55eb98
    5252set os.name         "lion"
    5353array set os.names {
    169169        command_exec destroot
    170170    }
    171171    # 6.1.4 and 6.1.5 do not have a mountainlion file
     172    # 6.1.7 has a *mountain-lion.h config file but a *mountain_lion.GNU makefile
     173    # will report this naming problem and keep using our own for now
    172174    copy ${worksrcpath}/ace/config-macosx-mountainlion.h ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/ace/config-macosx-mountainlion.h
    173175    # Files required to build CosEvent classes but not installed
    174176    copy ${worksrcpath}/TAO/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/ESF ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/orbsvcs/ESF