Ticket #37974: patch-MPActionsController.m.diff

File patch-MPActionsController.m.diff, 2.0 KB (added by IanWadham, 12 years ago)
  • MPActionsController.m

    old new  
    4343                        if (![checkboxes[i] isDefault])
    4444                        {
    4545                                [variants addObject: [[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]];
    46                                 [variants addObject: [NSString stringWithString:@"+"]];
     46                                [variants addObject: @"+"];
    4747                        }
    4949                        [variantsString appendString:@"+"];
    5454                        //If the checkbox is unchecked, we need to check if it is a default_variant, and if so, add it in the list with '-'
    5555                        //in the name, to let macports know that we wish to not use it
    5656                        [variants addObject: [[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]];
    57                         [variants addObject: [NSString stringWithString:@"-"]];
     57                        [variants addObject: @"-"];
    5858                        [variantsString appendString:@"-"];
    5959                        [variantsString appendString:[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]];                 
    6060                }
    9999                [port checkDefaults];           
    100100                NSMutableArray *defaultVariants= [port objectForKey:@"default_variants"];
    102                 NSLog(@"Default variants count: %i", [defaultVariants count]);
     102                NSLog(@"Default variants count: %li", (unsigned long)[defaultVariants count]);
    103103                for(UInt i=0; i<[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] count];i++)
    104104                {
    105105                        //If the variant is included in the default_variants, then check it. Otherwise leave it unchecked
    355355        NSLog(@"Starting Queue");
    356356        NSUInteger index;
    357357        index = [queueArray count]-1;
    358         NSLog(@"Array Size is: %u", index);
    359         NSUInteger i;
     358        NSLog(@"Array Size is: %lu", (unsigned long)index);
     359        // NSUInteger i;
    360360        [queue setSelectionIndex: 0];
    361361        queueCounter=0;
    376376        NSUInteger index=queueCounter;
    377377        if([queueArray count]>index)
    378378        {
    379                 NSLog(@"Advancing Queue for %u", index);
     379                NSLog(@"Advancing Queue for %lu", (unsigned long)index);
    380380                //index = [queue selectionIndex];
    381                 NSLog(@"Index before: %u", index);
     381                NSLog(@"Index before: %lu", (unsigned long)index);
    383383                //We select each object from the array
    384384                [queue setSelectionIndex:index];