Ticket #38192: update-3.diff

File update-3.diff, 1.0 KB (added by pkgw (Peter Williams), 12 years ago)

update-3: make CARMA the default telescope rather than ATA

  • ports/science/miriad/Portfile

    commit 62687228d3bde2fc9a24296f7ed974448c6b97c8
    Author: Peter Williams <peter@newton.cx>
    Date:   Sun Feb 24 14:05:48 2013 -0800
        Portfile: start defaulting to CARMA rather than ATA :-/
    diff --git a/ports/science/miriad/Portfile b/ports/science/miriad/Portfile
    index 5315548..22786b4 100644
    a b variant carma conflicts ata sma wsrt description {use buffer sizes appropriate t 
    4242variant sma conflicts ata carma wsrt description {use buffer sizes appropriate to SMA data} {}
    4343variant wsrt conflicts ata carma sma description {use buffer sizes appropriate to WSRT data} {}
    45 if {[variant_isset carma]} {
    46     set thescope carma
     45if {[variant_isset ata]} {
     46    set thescope ata
    4747} elseif {[variant_isset wsrt]} {
    4848    set thescope wsrt
    4949} elseif {[variant_isset sma]} {
    5050    set thescope sma
    5151} else {
    52     set thescope ata
    53     default_variants +ata
     52    set thescope carma
     53    default_variants +carma
    5656# We need Fortran support, which the Apple version of GCC doesn't offer.