Ticket #38376: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.5 KB (added by jdgleeson, 12 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    1818description         Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python
    20 long_description    scikits.learn is a Python module integrating classique \
    21                     machine learning algorithmes in the tightly-nit world of \
    22                     scientific Python packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib).
     20long_description    Scikit-learn integrates machine learning algorithms in the \
     21                    tightly-knit scientific Python world, building upon numpy, \
     22                    scipy, and matplotlib. As a machine-learning module, it \
     23                    provides versatile tools for data mining and analysis in \
     24                    any field of science and engineering. It strives to be \
     25                    simple and efficient, accessible to everybody, and reusable \
     26                    in various contexts.
    2428homepage            http://scikit-learn.sourceforge.net/
    2529master_sites        http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/scikit-learn/
    3337    depends_lib-append  \
    3438                    port:py${python.version}-numpy \
    3539                    port:py${python.version}-scipy \
    36                     port:py${python.version}-distribute \
    37                     port:py${python.version}-scikits-module
     40                    port:py${python.version}-distribute
    3942    post-patch {
    4043        # Normalize file attributes (see #34437)