Ticket #38395: couchdb.38395.1.patch

File couchdb.38395.1.patch, 19.3 KB (added by jeff@…, 12 years ago)
  • Portfile

    77name            couchdb
    88conflicts           couchdb-devel
    99version             1.2.1
    10 revision            1
     10revision            2
    1111categories      databases
    1212platforms       darwin
    1313license         Apache-2
    4343patchfiles          patch-configure.diff \
    4444                    patch-etc-launchd-org.apache.couchdb.plist.tpl.in.diff \
    45                     patch-src-couchdb-priv-Makefile.in.diff
     45                    patch-src-couchdb-priv-Makefile.in.diff \
     46                    patch-parameterized-modules-r16b-bug.38395.patch
    4748require_active_variants erlang ssl
  • files/patch-parameterized-modules-r16b-bug.38395.patch

     1diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/etap/Makefile.in ./src/etap/Makefile.in
     2--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/etap/Makefile.in   2012-12-20 15:28:49.000000000 -0600
     3+++ ./src/etap/Makefile.in      2013-03-16 11:10:15.000000000 -0500
     4@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     5 ERL = @ERL@
     7 ERLC = @ERLC@
     9+ERLC_FLAGS = @ERLC_FLAGS@ -pa .
     10 EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@
     11 FGREP = @FGREP@
     12 FLAGS = @FLAGS@
     13@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@
     14 version_stage = @version_stage@
     15 etapebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/etap/ebin
     16 etap_file_collection = \
     17+    pmod_pt.erl \
     18     etap.erl \
     19        etap_application.erl \
     20     etap_can.erl \
     21@@ -264,6 +265,7 @@
     22        etap_web.erl
     24 etapebin_make_generated_file_list = \
     25+    pmod_pt.beam \
     26     etap.beam \
     27        etap_application.beam \
     28     etap_can.beam \
     29diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/etap/etap_request.erl ./src/etap/etap_request.erl
     30--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/etap/etap_request.erl      2012-12-20 15:24:07.000000000 -0600
     31+++ ./src/etap/etap_request.erl 2013-03-16 10:47:54.000000000 -0500
     32@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
     33     body_has_string/2
     34 ]).
     36+-compile({parse_transform, pmod_pt}).
     38 % ---
     39 % Tests
     41diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/etap/pmod_pt.erl ./src/etap/pmod_pt.erl
     42--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/etap/pmod_pt.erl   1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
     43+++ ./src/etap/pmod_pt.erl      2013-03-16 11:08:17.000000000 -0500
     44@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
     46+%% %CopyrightBegin%
     48+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013. All Rights Reserved.
     50+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
     51+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
     52+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
     53+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
     54+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
     56+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
     57+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
     58+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
     59+%% under the License.
     61+%% %CopyrightEnd%
     66+        format_error/1]).
     68+%% Expand function definition forms of parameterized module.
     69+%% The code is based on the code in sys_expand_pmod which used to be
     70+%% included in the compiler, but details are different because
     71+%% sys_pre_expand has not been run. In particular:
     73+%% * Record definitions are still present and must be handled.
     75+%% * (Syntatic) local calls may actually be calls to an imported
     76+%%   funtion or a BIF. It is a local call if and only if there
     77+%%   is a definition for the function in the module.
     79+%% * When we introduce the module parameters and 'THIS' in each
     80+%%   function, we must artificially use it to avoid a warning for
     81+%%   unused variables.
     83+%% * On the other hand, we don't have to worry about module_info/0,1
     84+%%   because they have not been added yet.
     86+-record(pmod, {parameters,
     87+              defined
     88+             }).
     90+parse_transform(Forms0, _Options) ->
     91+    put(?MODULE, []),
     92+    Forms = transform(Forms0),
     93+    case erase(?MODULE) of
     94+       [] ->
     95+           Forms;
     96+       [_|_]=Errors ->
     97+           File = get_file(Forms),
     98+           {error,[{File,Errors}],[]}
     99+    end.
     101+format_error(extends_self) ->
     102+    "cannot extend from self";
     103+format_error(define_instance) ->
     104+    "defining instance function not allowed in parameterized module".
     106+add_error(Line, Error) ->
     107+    put(?MODULE, get(?MODULE) ++ [{Line,?MODULE,Error}]).
     109+get_file([{attribute,_,file,{File,_}}|_]) -> File;
     110+get_file([_|T]) -> get_file(T).
     112+transform(Forms0) ->
     113+    Def = collect_defined(Forms0),
     114+    {Base,ModAs,Forms1} = attribs(Forms0, [], undefined, []),
     115+    {Mod,Ps0} = case ModAs of
     116+                   {M0,P0} -> {M0,P0};
     117+                   M0 -> {M0,undefined}
     118+               end,
     119+    Forms2 = case Ps0 of
     120+                undefined ->
     121+                    Forms1;
     122+                _ ->
     123+                    pmod_expand(Forms1, Mod, Base, Ps0, Def)
     124+            end,
     126+    %% Add new functions.
     127+    NewFs0 = maybe_extend(Base, Mod, Ps0),
     128+    NewExps = collect_defined(NewFs0),
     129+    Forms3 = add_attributes(Forms2, [{attribute,0,export,NewExps}]),
     130+    add_new_funcs(Forms3, NewFs0).
     132+pmod_expand(Forms0, Mod, Base, Ps0, Def) ->
     133+    Ps = if is_atom(Base) ->
     134+                ['BASE' | Ps0];
     135+           true ->
     136+                Ps0
     137+        end,
     138+    St0 = #pmod{parameters=Ps,defined=gb_sets:from_list(Def)},
     139+    {Forms1,_} = forms(Forms0, St0),
     140+    Forms2 = update_exps(Forms1),
     141+    Forms3 = update_forms(Forms2),
     142+    NewFs0 = add_instance(Mod, Ps, []),
     143+    NewFs = ensure_new(Base, Ps0, NewFs0),
     144+    Forms = add_new_funcs(Forms3, NewFs),
     145+    NewExps = collect_defined(NewFs),
     146+    add_attributes(Forms, [{attribute,0,export,NewExps}]).
     148+add_attributes([{attribute,_,module,_}=F|Fs], Attrs) ->
     149+    [F|Attrs++Fs];
     150+add_attributes([F|Fs], Attrs) ->
     151+    [F|add_attributes(Fs, Attrs)].
     153+add_new_funcs([{eof,_}|_]=Fs, NewFs) ->
     154+    NewFs ++ Fs;
     155+add_new_funcs([F|Fs], Es) ->
     156+    [F|add_new_funcs(Fs, Es)].
     158+maybe_extend([], _, _) ->
     159+    %% No 'extends' attribute.
     160+    [];
     161+maybe_extend(Base, _Mod, undefined) ->
     162+    %% There is a an 'extends' attribute; the module is not parameterized.
     163+    Name = '$handle_undefined_function',
     164+    Args = [{var,0,'Func'},{var,0,'Args'}],
     165+    Body = [make_apply({atom,0,Base}, {var,0,'Func'}, {var,0,'Args'})],
     166+    F = {function,0,Name,2,[{clause,0,Args,[],Body}]},
     167+    [F];
     168+maybe_extend(Base, Mod, Ps) ->
     169+    %% There is a an 'extends' attribute; the module is parameterized.
     170+    Name = '$handle_undefined_function',
     171+    Args = [{var,0,'Func'},{var,0,'Args'}],
     172+    DontCares = [{var,0,'_'} || _ <- Ps],
     173+    TuplePs = {tuple,0,[{atom,0,Mod},{var,0,'BaseVars'}|DontCares]},
     174+    G = [{call,0,{atom,0,is_atom},
     175+         [{call,0,{atom,0,element},
     176+           [{integer,0,1},{var,0,'BaseVars'}]}]}],
     177+    FixedArgs = make_lists_rev([{var,0,'Rs'},
     178+                               {cons,0,{var,0,'BaseVars'},{nil,0}}]),
     179+    Body = [{'case',0,make_lists_rev([{var,0,'Args'}]),
     180+            [{clause,0,[{cons,0,TuplePs,{var,0,'Rs'}}],[G],
     181+              [make_apply({atom,0,Base}, {var,0,'Func'}, FixedArgs)]},
     182+             {clause,0,[{var,0,'_'}],[],
     183+              [make_apply({atom,0,Base}, {var,0,'Func'}, {var,0,'Args'})]}
     184+            ]}],
     185+    F = {function,0,Name,2,[{clause,0,Args,[],Body}]},
     186+    [F].
     188+make_apply(M, F, A) ->
     189+    {call,0,{remote,0,{atom,0,erlang},{atom,0,apply}},[M,F,A]}.
     191+make_lists_rev(As) ->
     192+    {call,0,{remote,0,{atom,0,lists},{atom,0,reverse}},As}.
     194+ensure_new(Base, Ps, Fs) ->
     195+    case has_new(Fs) of
     196+       true ->
     197+           Fs;
     198+       false ->
     199+           add_new(Base, Ps, Fs)
     200+    end.
     202+has_new([{function,_L,new,_A,_Cs} | _Fs]) ->
     203+    true;
     204+has_new([_ | Fs]) ->
     205+    has_new(Fs);
     206+has_new([]) ->
     207+    false.
     209+add_new(Base, Ps, Fs) ->
     210+    Vs = [{var,0,V} || V <- Ps],
     211+    As = if is_atom(Base) ->
     212+                [{call,0,{remote,0,{atom,0,Base},{atom,0,new}},Vs} | Vs];
     213+           true ->
     214+                Vs
     215+        end,
     216+    Body = [{call,0,{atom,0,instance},As}],
     217+    add_func(new, Vs, Body, Fs).
     219+add_instance(Mod, Ps, Fs) ->
     220+    Vs = [{var,0,V} || V <- Ps],
     221+    AbsMod = [{tuple,0,[{atom,0,Mod}|Vs]}],
     222+    add_func(instance, Vs, AbsMod, Fs).
     224+add_func(Name, Args, Body, Fs) ->
     225+    A = length(Args),
     226+    F = {function,0,Name,A,[{clause,0,Args,[],Body}]},
     227+    [F|Fs].
     229+collect_defined(Fs) ->
     230+    [{N,A} || {function,_,N,A,_} <- Fs].
     232+attribs([{attribute,Line,module,{Mod,_}=ModAs}|T], Base, _, Acc) ->
     233+    attribs(T, Base, ModAs, [{attribute,Line,module,Mod}|Acc]);
     234+attribs([{attribute,_,module,Mod}=H|T], Base, _, Acc) ->
     235+    attribs(T, Base, Mod, [H|Acc]);
     236+attribs([{attribute,Line,extends,Base}|T], Base0, Ps, Acc) when is_atom(Base) ->
     237+    Mod = case Ps of
     238+             {Mod0,_} -> Mod0;
     239+             Mod0 -> Mod0
     240+         end,
     241+    case Mod of
     242+       Base ->
     243+           add_error(Line, extends_self),
     244+           attribs(T, Base0, Ps, Acc);
     245+       _ ->
     246+           attribs(T, Base, Ps, Acc)
     247+    end;
     248+attribs([H|T], Base, Ps, Acc) ->
     249+    attribs(T, Base, Ps, [H|Acc]);
     250+attribs([], Base, Ps, Acc) ->
     251+    {Base,Ps,lists:reverse(Acc)}.
     253+%% This is extremely simplistic for now; all functions get an extra
     254+%% parameter, whether they need it or not, except for static functions.
     256+update_function_name({F,A}) when F =/= new ->
     257+    {F,A+1};
     258+update_function_name(E) ->
     259+    E.
     261+update_forms([{function,L,N,A,Cs}|Fs]) when N =/= new ->
     262+    [{function,L,N,A+1,Cs}|update_forms(Fs)];
     263+update_forms([F|Fs]) ->
     264+    [F|update_forms(Fs)];
     265+update_forms([]) ->
     266+    [].
     268+update_exps([{attribute,Line,export,Es0}|T]) ->
     269+    Es = [update_function_name(E) || E <- Es0],
     270+    [{attribute,Line,export,Es}|update_exps(T)];
     271+update_exps([H|T]) ->
     272+    [H|update_exps(T)];
     273+update_exps([]) ->
     274+    [].
     276+%% Process the program forms.
     278+forms([F0|Fs0],St0) ->
     279+    {F1,St1} = form(F0,St0),
     280+    {Fs1,St2} = forms(Fs0,St1),
     281+    {[F1|Fs1],St2};
     282+forms([], St0) ->
     283+    {[], St0}.
     285+%% Only function definitions are of interest here. State is not updated.
     286+form({function,Line,instance,_Arity,_Clauses}=F,St) ->
     287+    add_error(Line, define_instance),
     288+    {F,St};
     289+form({function,Line,Name0,Arity0,Clauses0},St) when Name0 =/= new ->
     290+    {Name,Arity,Clauses} = function(Name0, Arity0, Clauses0, St),
     291+    {{function,Line,Name,Arity,Clauses},St};
     292+%% Pass anything else through
     293+form(F,St) -> {F,St}.
     295+function(Name, Arity, Clauses0, St) ->
     296+    Clauses1 = clauses(Clauses0,St),
     297+    {Name,Arity,Clauses1}.
     299+clauses([C|Cs],#pmod{parameters=Ps}=St) ->
     300+    {clause,L,H,G,B0} = clause(C,St),
     301+    T = {tuple,L,[{var,L,V} || V <- ['_'|Ps]]},
     302+    B = [{match,L,{var,L,'_'},{var,L,V}} || V <- ['THIS'|Ps]] ++ B0,
     303+    [{clause,L,H++[{match,L,T,{var,L,'THIS'}}],G,B}|clauses(Cs,St)];
     304+clauses([],_St) -> [].
     306+clause({clause,Line,H,G,B0},St) ->
     307+    %% We never update H and G, so we will just copy them.
     308+    B1 = exprs(B0,St),
     309+    {clause,Line,H,G,B1}.
     311+pattern_grp([{bin_element,L1,E1,S1,T1} | Fs],St) ->
     312+    S2 = case S1 of
     313+            default ->
     314+                default;
     315+            _ ->
     316+                expr(S1,St)
     317+        end,
     318+    T2 = case T1 of
     319+            default ->
     320+                default;
     321+            _ ->
     322+                bit_types(T1)
     323+        end,
     324+    [{bin_element,L1,expr(E1,St),S2,T2} | pattern_grp(Fs,St)];
     325+pattern_grp([],_St) ->
     326+    [].
     328+bit_types([]) ->
     329+    [];
     330+bit_types([Atom | Rest]) when is_atom(Atom) ->
     331+    [Atom | bit_types(Rest)];
     332+bit_types([{Atom, Integer} | Rest]) when is_atom(Atom), is_integer(Integer) ->
     333+    [{Atom, Integer} | bit_types(Rest)].
     335+exprs([E0|Es],St) ->
     336+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     337+    [E1|exprs(Es,St)];
     338+exprs([],_St) -> [].
     340+expr({var,_L,_V}=Var,_St) ->
     341+    Var;
     342+expr({integer,_Line,_I}=Integer,_St) -> Integer;
     343+expr({float,_Line,_F}=Float,_St) -> Float;
     344+expr({atom,_Line,_A}=Atom,_St) -> Atom;
     345+expr({string,_Line,_S}=String,_St) -> String;
     346+expr({char,_Line,_C}=Char,_St) -> Char;
     347+expr({nil,_Line}=Nil,_St) -> Nil;
     348+expr({cons,Line,H0,T0},St) ->
     349+    H1 = expr(H0,St),
     350+    T1 = expr(T0,St),
     351+    {cons,Line,H1,T1};
     352+expr({lc,Line,E0,Qs0},St) ->
     353+    Qs1 = lc_bc_quals(Qs0,St),
     354+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     355+    {lc,Line,E1,Qs1};
     356+expr({bc,Line,E0,Qs0},St) ->
     357+    Qs1 = lc_bc_quals(Qs0,St),
     358+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     359+    {bc,Line,E1,Qs1};
     360+expr({tuple,Line,Es0},St) ->
     361+    Es1 = expr_list(Es0,St),
     362+    {tuple,Line,Es1};
     363+expr({record_index,_,_,_}=RI, _St) ->
     364+    RI;
     365+expr({record,Line,Name,Is0},St) ->
     366+    Is = record_fields(Is0,St),
     367+    {record,Line,Name,Is};
     368+expr({record,Line,E0,Name,Is0},St) ->
     369+    E = expr(E0,St),
     370+    Is = record_fields(Is0,St),
     371+    {record,Line,E,Name,Is};
     372+expr({record_field,Line,E0,Name,Key},St) ->
     373+    E = expr(E0,St),
     374+    {record_field,Line,E,Name,Key};
     375+expr({block,Line,Es0},St) ->
     376+    Es1 = exprs(Es0,St),
     377+    {block,Line,Es1};
     378+expr({'if',Line,Cs0},St) ->
     379+    Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0,St),
     380+    {'if',Line,Cs1};
     381+expr({'case',Line,E0,Cs0},St) ->
     382+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     383+    Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0,St),
     384+    {'case',Line,E1,Cs1};
     385+expr({'receive',Line,Cs0},St) ->
     386+    Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0,St),
     387+    {'receive',Line,Cs1};
     388+expr({'receive',Line,Cs0,To0,ToEs0},St) ->
     389+    To1 = expr(To0,St),
     390+    ToEs1 = exprs(ToEs0,St),
     391+    Cs1 = icr_clauses(Cs0,St),
     392+    {'receive',Line,Cs1,To1,ToEs1};
     393+expr({'try',Line,Es0,Scs0,Ccs0,As0},St) ->
     394+    Es1 = exprs(Es0,St),
     395+    Scs1 = icr_clauses(Scs0,St),
     396+    Ccs1 = icr_clauses(Ccs0,St),
     397+    As1 = exprs(As0,St),
     398+    {'try',Line,Es1,Scs1,Ccs1,As1};
     399+expr({'fun',_,{function,_,_,_}}=ExtFun,_St) ->
     400+    ExtFun;
     401+expr({'fun',Line,Body},St) ->
     402+    case Body of
     403+       {clauses,Cs0} ->
     404+           Cs1 = fun_clauses(Cs0,St),
     405+           {'fun',Line,{clauses,Cs1}};
     406+       {function,F,A} = Function ->
     407+           {F1,A1} = update_function_name({F,A}),
     408+           if A1 =:= A ->
     409+                   {'fun',Line,Function};
     410+              true ->
     411+                   %% Must rewrite local fun-name to a fun that does a
     412+                   %% call with the extra THIS parameter.
     413+                   As = make_vars(A, Line),
     414+                   As1 = As ++ [{var,Line,'THIS'}],
     415+                   Call = {call,Line,{atom,Line,F1},As1},
     416+                   Cs = [{clause,Line,As,[],[Call]}],
     417+                   {'fun',Line,{clauses,Cs}}
     418+           end;
     419+       {function,_M,_F,_A} = Fun4 ->           %This is an error in lint!
     420+           {'fun',Line,Fun4}
     421+    end;
     422+expr({call,Lc,{atom,_,instance}=Name,As0},St) ->
     423+    %% All local functions 'instance(...)' are static by definition,
     424+    %% so they do not take a 'THIS' argument when called
     425+    As1 = expr_list(As0,St),
     426+    {call,Lc,Name,As1};
     427+expr({call,Lc,{atom,_,new}=Name,As0},St) ->
     428+    %% All local functions 'new(...)' are static by definition,
     429+    %% so they do not take a 'THIS' argument when called
     430+    As1 = expr_list(As0,St),
     431+    {call,Lc,Name,As1};
     432+expr({call,Lc,{atom,_Lf,F}=Atom,As0}, #pmod{defined=Def}=St) ->
     433+    As1 = expr_list(As0,St),
     434+    case gb_sets:is_member({F,length(As0)}, Def) of
     435+       false ->
     436+           %% BIF or imported function.
     437+           {call,Lc,Atom,As1};
     438+       true ->
     439+           %% Local function call - needs THIS parameter.
     440+           {call,Lc,Atom,As1 ++ [{var,0,'THIS'}]}
     441+    end;
     442+expr({call,Line,F0,As0},St) ->
     443+    %% Other function call
     444+    F1 = expr(F0,St),
     445+    As1 = expr_list(As0,St),
     446+    {call,Line,F1,As1};
     447+expr({'catch',Line,E0},St) ->
     448+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     449+    {'catch',Line,E1};
     450+expr({match,Line,P,E0},St) ->
     451+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     452+    {match,Line,P,E1};
     453+expr({bin,Line,Fs},St) ->
     454+    Fs2 = pattern_grp(Fs,St),
     455+    {bin,Line,Fs2};
     456+expr({op,Line,Op,A0},St) ->
     457+    A1 = expr(A0,St),
     458+    {op,Line,Op,A1};
     459+expr({op,Line,Op,L0,R0},St) ->
     460+    L1 = expr(L0,St),
     461+    R1 = expr(R0,St),
     462+    {op,Line,Op,L1,R1};
     463+%% The following are not allowed to occur anywhere!
     464+expr({remote,Line,M0,F0},St) ->
     465+    M1 = expr(M0,St),
     466+    F1 = expr(F0,St),
     467+    {remote,Line,M1,F1}.
     469+expr_list([E0|Es],St) ->
     470+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     471+    [E1|expr_list(Es,St)];
     472+expr_list([],_St) -> [].
     474+record_fields([{record_field,L,K,E0}|T],St) ->
     475+    E = expr(E0,St),
     476+    [{record_field,L,K,E}|record_fields(T,St)];
     477+record_fields([],_) -> [].
     479+icr_clauses([C0|Cs],St) ->
     480+    C1 = clause(C0,St),
     481+    [C1|icr_clauses(Cs,St)];
     482+icr_clauses([],_St) -> [].
     484+lc_bc_quals([{generate,Line,P,E0}|Qs],St) ->
     485+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     486+    [{generate,Line,P,E1}|lc_bc_quals(Qs,St)];
     487+lc_bc_quals([{b_generate,Line,P,E0}|Qs],St) ->
     488+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     489+    [{b_generate,Line,P,E1}|lc_bc_quals(Qs,St)];
     490+lc_bc_quals([E0|Qs],St) ->
     491+    E1 = expr(E0,St),
     492+    [E1|lc_bc_quals(Qs,St)];
     493+lc_bc_quals([],_St) -> [].
     495+fun_clauses([C0|Cs],St) ->
     496+    C1 = clause(C0,St),
     497+    [C1|fun_clauses(Cs,St)];
     498+fun_clauses([],_St) -> [].
     500+make_vars(N, L) ->
     501+    make_vars(1, N, L).
     503+make_vars(N, M, L) when N =< M ->
     504+    V = list_to_atom("X"++integer_to_list(N)),
     505+    [{var,L,V} | make_vars(N + 1, M, L)];
     506+make_vars(_, _, _) ->
     507+    [].
     508diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/Makefile.in ./src/mochiweb/Makefile.in
     509--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/Makefile.in       2012-12-20 15:28:49.000000000 -0600
     510+++ ./src/mochiweb/Makefile.in  2013-03-16 11:16:07.000000000 -0500
     511@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     512 ERL = @ERL@
     514 ERLC = @ERLC@
     516+ERLC_FLAGS = @ERLC_FLAGS@ -pa ../etap
     517 EXEEXT = @EXEEXT@
     518 FGREP = @FGREP@
     519 FLAGS = @FLAGS@
     520diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochifmt_records.erl ./src/mochiweb/mochifmt_records.erl
     521--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochifmt_records.erl      2012-12-20 15:24:07.000000000 -0600
     522+++ ./src/mochiweb/mochifmt_records.erl 2013-03-16 11:13:48.000000000 -0500
     523@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
     524 -author('bob@mochimedia.com').
     525 -export([get_value/2]).
     527+-compile({parse_transform, pmod_pt}).
     529 get_value(Key, Rec) when is_tuple(Rec) and is_atom(element(1, Rec)) ->
     530     try begin
     531             Atom = list_to_existing_atom(Key),
     532diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochifmt_std.erl ./src/mochiweb/mochifmt_std.erl
     533--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochifmt_std.erl  2012-12-20 15:24:07.000000000 -0600
     534+++ ./src/mochiweb/mochifmt_std.erl     2013-03-16 11:14:31.000000000 -0500
     535@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
     536 -author('bob@mochimedia.com').
     537 -export([format/2, get_value/2, format_field/2, get_field/2, convert_field/2]).
     539+-compile({parse_transform, pmod_pt}).
     541 format(Format, Args) ->
     542     mochifmt:format(Format, Args, THIS).
     544diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_request.erl ./src/mochiweb/mochiweb_request.erl
     545--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_request.erl      2012-12-20 15:24:07.000000000 -0600
     546+++ ./src/mochiweb/mochiweb_request.erl 2013-03-16 11:15:19.000000000 -0500
     547@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
     548 -export([accepted_encodings/1]).
     549 -export([accepts_content_type/1]).
     551+-compile({parse_transform, pmod_pt}).
     553 -define(SAVE_QS, mochiweb_request_qs).
     554 -define(SAVE_PATH, mochiweb_request_path).
     555 -define(SAVE_RECV, mochiweb_request_recv).
     556diff -ruN ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_response.erl ./src/mochiweb/mochiweb_response.erl
     557--- ../apache-couchdb-1.2.1-orig/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_response.erl     2012-12-20 15:24:07.000000000 -0600
     558+++ ./src/mochiweb/mochiweb_response.erl        2013-03-16 11:15:32.000000000 -0500
     559@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
     560 -export([get_header_value/1, get/1, dump/0]).
     561 -export([send/1, write_chunk/1]).
     563+-compile({parse_transform, pmod_pt}).
     565 %% @spec get_header_value(string() | atom() | binary()) -> string() | undefined
     566 %% @doc Get the value of the given response header.
     567 get_header_value(K) ->