Ticket #39362: patch-thunderbird-fix.diff

File patch-thunderbird-fix.diff, 633 bytes (added by wjb+macport@…, 11 years ago)
  • crypt.c

    a b  
    393393       */
    394394      if (!ascii_strcasecmp (m->description, "S/MIME Encrypted Message"))
    395395        return SMIMEENCRYPT;
    396       complain = 1;
     397      /* Thunderbird doesn't seem to be adding a Content-Description
     398       * If we make it all the way here, we know it's not signed as Thunderbird
     399       * sets the signed-data correctly, so we're going to assuming it's
     400       * encrypted
     401       */
     403      return SMIMEENCRYPT;
    397404    }
    398405    else if (ascii_strcasecmp (m->subtype, "octet-stream"))
    399406      return 0;