Ticket #40013: Portfile.3

File Portfile.3, 1.5 KB (added by smithsp (Sterling Smith), 11 years ago)

Updated Portfile with correct checksums, added v to github.setup line, and fixed the categories-append.

1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id$
3PortSystem          1.0
4PortGroup           python 1.0
5PortGroup           github 1.0
7github.setup        python-quantities python-quantities 0.10.1 v
9name                py-quantities
10categories-append   science
12platforms           darwin
13supported_archs     noarch
14license             MIT
15maintainers         nomaintainer
16description         Support for physical quantities with units, based on numpy
17long_description    \
18    Quantities is designed to handle arithmetic and conversions of physical \
19    quantities, which have a magnitude, dimensionality specified by various \
20    units, and possibly an uncertainty.  Quantities builds on the popular numpy \
21    library and is designed to work with numpy ufuncs, many of which are \
22    already supported. Quantities is actively developed, and while the current \
23    features and API are stable, test coverage is incomplete so the package is \
24    not suggested for mission-critical applications.
26checksums           md5     4e378de8ba0c5ae2fc8d3bedc3538488 \
27                    rmd160  a9be07abc6ceb746e3648cafa11e5762778a25c6 \
28                    sha256  d31e55a150a207c68c999611d459b93fc8b501863de993ef7efa47766c84eabd
29python.versions     26 27 31 32 33
31if {$subport != $name} {
32    depends_build-append port:py${python.version}-setuptools
33    depends_lib-append  port:py${python.version}-numpy
34    livecheck.type       none