Ticket #41439: groovy-2.2.1.patch

File groovy-2.2.1.patch, 4.6 KB (added by robsonpeixoto@…, 11 years ago)
  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name            groovy
    6 version         2.1.8
     6version         2.2.1
    77revision        0
    88categories      java lang
    99maintainers     breskeby
    2323                or it can be used dynamically as an alternative language such \
    2424                as for scripting Java objects, templating or writing unit test cases.
    2525homepage        http://groovy.codehaus.org/
    26 distname        groovy-src-${version}
     26distname        groovy-binary-${version}
    2727master_sites    http://dist.codehaus.org/groovy/distributions/
    2828license         Apache-2
    29 conflicts               groovy-devel
     29conflicts       groovy-devel
    3030use_zip         yes
    32 checksums       rmd160  b1fd6a0e022565be74db240050bd1b21e2099ea3 \
    33                 sha256  487b2501a9b0ae4a6f945e96402c4eaf71fb935c984ab7bc47e3a91f661afdad
     32checksums       rmd160  392e6123c8fbbbce27560261f386ebd601782a25 \
     33                sha256  11262c2a0883018d4c68d353479a84bf32a694706437a31b23e17e3f2db695dc
    3435use_configure   no
     36universal_variant no
    3538worksrcdir      groovy-${version}
    36 build.cmd               GRADLE_USER_HOME=${workpath} ./gradlew
    37 build.args      -g ${workpath}
    38 build.target    installGroovy
     40build {
    3942supported_archs noarch
    4043destroot {
    41     set target ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/groovy
     44    set target ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}
    4346    # Create the target java directory
    44     xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java
    46     # Copy in our directory tree
    47     file copy ${worksrcpath}/target/install ${target}
     47    xinstall -m 755 -d ${target}
     49    # Copy over the needed elements of our directory tree
     50    file copy \
     51        ${worksrcpath}/bin \
     52        ${worksrcpath}/conf \
     53        ${worksrcpath}/embeddable \
     54        ${worksrcpath}/indy \
     55        ${worksrcpath}/lib \
     56        ${target}
     58    # Remove extraneous bat files
     59    foreach f [glob -directory ${target}/bin *.bat] {
     60        file delete $f
     61    }
    49     # Remove .bat files
    50     foreach f [glob -directory ${target}/bin *.bat] { file delete $f }
    5163    # Fix permissions on the scripts,
    5264    # and at the same time add symlinks to them
    53     foreach f { grape groovy groovyc groovyConsole groovysh java2groovy startGroovy } {
    54         file attributes ${target}/bin/${f} -permissions +x
     65    foreach f { grape groovy groovyConsole groovyc groovydoc groovysh java2groovy startGroovy } {
    5566        system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && ln -s ../share/java/groovy/bin/${f}"
    5667    }
  • files/patch-build-maven.xml.diff

    1 --- config/ant/build-maven.xml.org      2011-07-29 08:24:08.000000000 +0200
    2 +++ config/ant/build-maven.xml  2011-07-29 08:25:34.000000000 +0200
    3 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
    4          <attribute name="scope"/>
    5          <attribute name="module"/>
    6          <sequential>
    7 -            <artifact:dependencies useScope="@{scope}" filesetId="fs.@{scope}.@{module}" pomRefId="@{module}.pom"/>
    8 +            <artifact:dependencies useScope="@{scope}" filesetId="fs.@{scope}.@{module}" pomRefId="@{module}.pom" settingsFile="config/maven/settings.xml"/>
    9          </sequential>
    10      </macrodef>
  • files/patch-config-maven-groovy-tools.pom.diff

    1 --- config/maven/groovy-tools.pom.orig  2009-11-27 16:12:50.000000000 +0100
    2 +++ config/maven/groovy-tools.pom       2009-11-27 20:18:02.000000000 +0100
    3 @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
    4          <dependency>
    5              <groupId>biz.aQute</groupId>
    6              <artifactId>bnd</artifactId>
    7 -            <version>0.0.323</version>
    8 +            <version>0.0.378</version>
    9          </dependency>
    10      </dependencies>
    11      <repositories>
  • files/patch-settings.xml.diff

    1 --- config/maven/settings.xml.org       2011-07-29 08:35:58.000000000 +0200
    2 +++ config/maven/settings.xml   2011-07-29 08:36:45.000000000 +0200
    3 @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
    4        <password>@groovy.deploy.password@</password>
    5      </server>
    6    </servers>
    7 +  <localRepository>m2</localRepository>
    8  </settings>
    9 \ No newline at end of file