Ticket #41548: Portfile.patch

File Portfile.patch, 1.0 KB (added by jeremyhu (Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia), 11 years ago)

Untested patch to disable R600 on Leopard

  • Portfile

    153153    if {${subport} == "clang-${llvm_version}" && ${os.major} <= 9} {
    154154        patchfiles-append leopard-no-asan.patch
    155155    }
    156 }
    158 platform darwin 8 {
    159     # Tiger's DevTools make has issues with the nested ifs in compiler-rt
    160     depends_run-append      port:gmake
    161     build.cmd               ${prefix}/bin/gmake
     157    if {${os.major} < 10} {
     158        post-patch {
     159            reinplace "/TARGETS_TO_BUILD=/s/R600//" ${worksrcpath}/configure
     160        }
     161    }
    163     post-configure {
    164         reinplace "/^RPATH/s/=.*/=/" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.config
     163    if {${os.major} < 9} {
     164        # Tiger's DevTools make has issues with the nested ifs in compiler-rt
     165        depends_run-append      port:gmake
     166        build.cmd               ${prefix}/bin/gmake
     168        post-configure {
     169            reinplace "/^RPATH/s/=.*/=/" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.config
     170        }
    165171    }