Ticket #41691: main.log

File main.log, 1.7 KB (added by TomDev234, 11 years ago)
2:debug:main Executing org.macports.main (gstreamer010)
3:debug:uninstall uninstall phase started at Sun Dec  1 00:46:29 CET 2013
4:debug:uninstall Executing org.macports.uninstall (gstreamer010)
5:msg:uninstall --->  Unable to uninstall gstreamer010 @0.10.36_0+universal, the following ports depend on it:
6:msg:uninstall --->     gstreamer010-gst-plugins-base @0.10.36_1+universal
7:msg:uninstall --->     wine-devel @1.7.0_0
8:msg:uninstall --->     wine-devel @1.7.3_0
9:msg:uninstall --->     gstreamer010-gst-plugins-base @0.10.36_2+universal
10:msg:uninstall --->     wine-devel @1.7.7_0
11:error:uninstall org.macports.uninstall for port gstreamer010 returned: Please uninstall the ports that depend on gstreamer010 first.
12:debug:uninstall Error code: registry::uninstall-error
13:debug:uninstall Backtrace: Please uninstall the ports that depend on gstreamer010 first.
14    invoked from within
15"throw registry::uninstall-error "Please uninstall the ports that depend on [$port name] first.""
16    (procedure "registry::check_dependents" line 24)
17    invoked from within
18"registry::check_dependents $port ${uninstall.force} "uninstall""
19    (procedure "registry_uninstall::uninstall" line 83)
20    invoked from within
21"registry_uninstall $subport $version $revision $portvariants [array get user_options]"
22    (procedure "portuninstall::uninstall_main" line 3)
23    invoked from within
24"$procedure $targetname"
25:info:uninstall Warning: targets not executed for gstreamer010: org.macports.uninstall
26:notice:uninstall Please see the log file for port gstreamer010 for details:
27    /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_registry_portfiles_gstreamer010_0.10.36_0+universal/gstreamer010/main.log