Ticket #41715: macports.conf

File macports.conf, 6.4 KB (added by ruberman@…, 11 years ago)
1# MacPorts system wide configuration file
2# $Id: macports.conf.in 91509 2012-04-03 21:50:29Z jmr@macports.org $
4# Set the directory in which to install ports. Must match where MacPorts itself is installed.
5prefix                  /opt/local
7# Set the user to run MacPorts compiles, etc as when privileges are dropped during an install
8#macportsuser           macports
10# Where to store MacPorts working data
11portdbpath              /opt/local/var/macports
13# PATH settings that are used for external tools (configure, make, etc.) while
14# installing ports. The default paths are given in the example; it need not be
15# uncommented.  Customizing binpath is unsupported and is intended for
16# advanced users only.
17#binpath                /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
19# Directory containing Xcode Tools (default is to ask xcode-select)
20#developer_dir       /Developer
22# Path to PackageMaker.app
23# It may be necessary to set this with Xcode >= 4.3, as that version
24# requires PackageMaker to be installed manually from the Auxiliary Tools for
25# Xcode disk image. The default is /Applications/PackageMaker.app with Xcode
26# 4.3 and ${developer_dir}/Applications/Utilities/PackageMaker.app with older
27# versions.
28#packagemaker_path /Applications/PackageMaker.app
30# Directory containing Applications from ports.
31applications_dir        /Applications/MacPorts
33# Directory containing Frameworks from ports.
34frameworks_dir          /opt/local/Library/Frameworks
36# Where to find the sources list.
37sources_conf            /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf
39# Where to find global variants definition file (optional)
40variants_conf           /opt/local/etc/macports/variants.conf
42# When to build ports from source. Default is 'ifneeded', which downloads an
43# archive if available or builds from source otherwise. 'always' has the same
44# effect as -s on the command line, and 'never' is likewise the same as -b.
45#buildfromsource    ifneeded
47# Type of archives to use for port images
49# Supported types: tgz, tar, tbz, tbz2 (default), tlz, txz, xar, zip, cpgz, cpio
50#portarchivetype                tbz2
52# CPU architecture to compile for. Defaults to i386 or ppc on Mac OS X 10.5
53# and earlier, depending on the CPU type detected at runtime. On Mac OS X 10.6
54# the default is x86_64 if the CPU supports it, i386 otherwise.
55#build_arch                     i386
57# CPU architectures to use for Universal Binaries (+universal variant)
58universal_archs         x86_64 i386
60# Use ccache (C/C++ compiler cache) - see http://ccache.samba.org/
61#configureccache                no
63# Location where ccache stores its files
64#ccache_dir                     /opt/local/var/macports/build/.ccache
66# Maximum size ccache may use.
67# Use 'G', 'M', or 'K' suffix for giga-, mega- or kilobytes.
68#ccache_size                    2G
70# Use distcc (distributed compiler) - see http://distcc.samba.org/
71#configuredistcc                no
73# Use pipes rather than intermediate files when compiling C/C++/etc
74#configurepipe          yes
76# Lowered scheduling priority (0-20) to use for make when building ports
77#buildnicevalue         0
79# Number of simultaneous make jobs (commands) to use when building ports. This
80# value may be set to 0 so the number of simultaneous make jobs will be set to
81# the number of CPU cores that are automatically detected, or the number of GB
82# of physical memory plus one, whichever is less.
83#buildmakejobs          0
85# umask value to use when a port installs its files
86#destroot_umask 022
88# Set whether to automatically execute "clean" after "install" of ports
89#portautoclean          yes
91# Set to yes if you don't want logs to be deleted after successful builds
92#keeplogs no
94# Rsync server to fetch MacPorts sources from. Note that this is only used
95# for selfupdate. The source(s) for the ports tree are set in sources.conf.
96# Known mirrors at time of writing (see https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Mirrors
97# for the current list):
98#   rsync.macports.org        - California, USA (master)
99#   trd.no.rsync.macports.org - Trondheim, Norway
100#rsync_server           rsync.macports.org
102# Rsync directory from which to pull the base/ component (infrastructure) of MacPorts
103# If this points to a .tar file, a signed .rmd160 must exist next to it
104# on the server and will be used to verify its integrity.
105#rsync_dir                      release/tarballs/base.tar
107# Rsync options
108#rsync_options          -rtzv --delete-after
110# Options for generated startup items
111# startupitem_type may be "default", "systemstarter", "launchd", or "none";
112# if the option is empty or "default" then a startupitem type appropriate
113# to the platform will be chosen. Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and above will default to
114# launchd, while older Mac OS X systems will default to systemstarter. If
115# option "none" is chosen, port startupitems are ignored and no startupitems
116# are installed.
117#startupitem_type       default
119# Option to install symlinks into /Library/LaunchAgents or /Library/LaunchDaemons
120# startupitem_install may be empty, "yes" or "no";
121# if the option is NOT "no" then a symlink for the startupitem will be created in
122# the appropriate system directory.
123#startupitem_install    yes
125# Extra environment variables to keep. Any variables listed here are added
126# to the list of variables that are not removed from the environment used
127# while processing ports. As with binpath, setting extra_env is intended for
128# advanced users and is unsupported.
129# extra_env             KEEP_THIS THIS_TOO
131# Proxy support
132# Precedence is: env, macports.conf, System Preferences
133# That is, if it's set in the environment, that will be used instead of
134# anything here or in System Preferences.  Setting proxy_override_env to yes
135# will cause any proxies set here (or in System Preferences if set there but
136# not here) to override what's in the environment.
137# Note that System Preferences doesn't have an rsync proxy definition.
138# Also note, on 10.5, sudo will clear many environment variables including
139# those for proxy support.
140# Equivalent environment variables: http_proxy, HTTPS_PROXY, FTP_PROXY,
143#proxy_override_env    yes
144# HTTP proxy:
145#proxy_http            hostname:12345
146# HTTPS proxy:
147#proxy_https       hostname:12345
148# FTP proxy:
149#proxy_ftp         hostname:12345
150# rsync proxy:
151#proxy_rsync       hostname:12345
152# hosts not to go through the proxy (comma-separated, applies to HTTP, HTTPS,
153# and FTP, but not rsync):
154#proxy_skip            internal1, internal2, internal3
156# Set whether to automatically run rev-upgrade after upgrading ports
157#revupgrade_autorun yes
158# Option controlling action taken by rev-upgrade, which checks for broken
159# linking and can rebuild affected ports. Possible values are
160#'rebuild' (default) or 'report'.
161#revupgrade_mode rebuild