Ticket #41846: lua-luaexpat.diff

File lua-luaexpat.diff, 2.4 KB (added by nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne), 11 years ago)
  • Portfile

    44PortSystem          1.0
    66name                lua-luaexpat
    7 version             1.1
    8 revision            0
     7version             1.2.0
     8set buildhash       30c2491fe44a
    99categories          devel
    1010license             MIT
    1111platforms           darwin
    1414long_description    LuaExpat is a SAX XML parser based on the Expat library. \
    1515                    LuaExpat is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1.
    1616homepage            http://www.keplerproject.org/luaexpat/index.html
    17 master_sites        http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/2469/
    18 distname            luaexpat-${version}
     17master_sites        http://code.matthewwild.co.uk/lua-expat/archive
     18distname            ${buildhash}
    1919use_configure       no
    20 checksums           md5  6ecb895ccf5cff1e7f2facd438b1f8d0 \
    21                     sha1  ea359bdbd346ee378c47179a17ac3ee410be5c9d \
    22                     rmd160  f661c0e7f22363f51862187e96306498addea9d9
     20checksums           sha1    c8de19c12f9d0899c3ecf5bf3c679910ea5d1c32 \
     21                    rmd160  d1b6c8de59cfe1de814fb28f753ff850298ac735
     22worksrcdir          lua-expat-${buildhash}
    2323patchfiles          config-patch.diff \
    2424                    makefile-patch.diff
    2525post-patch {
    2626   reinplace "s|%PREFIX%|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/config
    28 depends_lib         port:expat
     28depends_lib         port:expat port:lua
  • files/config-patch.diff

    44 # Installation directories
    55 # System's libraries directory (where binary libraries are installed)
    66-LUA_LIBDIR= /usr/local/lib/lua/5.0
    7 +LUA_LIBDIR= %PREFIX%/lib/lua/5.1
     7+LUA_LIBDIR= %PREFIX%/lib/lua/5.2
    88 # System's lua directory (where Lua libraries are installed)
    99-LUA_DIR= /usr/local/share/lua/5.0
    10 +LUA_DIR= %PREFIX%/share/lua/5.1
     10+LUA_DIR= %PREFIX%/share/lua/5.2
    1111 # Lua includes directory
    1212-LUA_INC= /usr/local/include
    1313+LUA_INC= %PREFIX%/include
    2727 # first version digit * 100 + second version digit
    2828 # e.g. Lua 5.0.2 => 500, Lua 5.1 => 501, Lua 5.1.1 => 501)
    2929-LUA_VERSION_NUM= 500
    30 +LUA_VERSION_NUM= 501
     30+LUA_VERSION_NUM= 502
    3131 COMPAT_DIR= ../compat/src
    3333 # Compilation parameters