Ticket #41991: Portfile.2

File Portfile.2, 1.8 KB (added by patrick@…, 11 years ago)
1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id$
4PortSystem             1.0
5PortGroup              github 1.0
7github.setup           tschaume ckon 0.6.1 v
8categories             science
9platforms              darwin
10maintainers            the-huck.com:patrick
11description            automatic build tool for ROOT software
12license                MIT
13long_description       ckon is a C++ program/tool which automatically takes care \
14                       of compilation, dictionary generation and linking of \
15                       programs and libraries developed for data analyses within \
16                       the CERN ROOT analysis framework. This includes parsing \
17                       include headers to figure out which libraries the main \
18                       programs need to be linked to. It uses automake/autoconf to \
19                       be platform independent and GNU install compliant. \
20                       In addition, m4 macros are automatically downloaded and \
21                       the according compiler flags included based on a list of boost \
22                       libraries provided in the config file. For the purpose of \
23                       YAML database usage, a m4 macro can be downloaded during \
24                       setup to link against the yaml-cpp library.
25homepage               http://tschaume.github.io/ckon/
26checksums              rmd160  f579cc0cacac0fb5209c429f3b710f89bda3f729 \
27                       sha256  5bd0a03bd2f915c998028f7a46f30e052c13048dffc2c63138a8a5a98410bf99
28depends_lib            port:boost port:curl
29use_autoreconf         yes
30autoreconf.args        -fvi
31configure.args-append  --with-boost --with-boost-filesystem --with-boost-system \
32                       --with-boost-regex --with-boost-program-options