Ticket #42038: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.5 KB (added by lockhart (Thomas Lockhart), 11 years ago)

Patch to use "file delete" rather than the similar but broken "delete" command. This one builds and installs without errors.

  • Portfile

    old new  
    1313name                tao
    1414set name_package    ACE+TAO
    1515version             6.2.3
    16 revision            1
     16revision            2
    1717distname            ${name_package}-${version}
    1818categories          devel
    1919platforms           darwin
    2020license             BSD
    2121maintainers         fourpalms.org:lockhart openmaintainer
    2222description         The ACE ORB CORBA real-time middleware
    23 long_description    The ACE Orb (TAO) is a real-time implementation of CORBA built using the \
     23long_description    The ACE ORB (TAO) is a real-time implementation of CORBA built using the \
    2424                    framework components and patterns provided by ACE. TAO contains the \
    2525                    network interface, OS, communication protocol, and CORBA middleware \
    2626                    components and features. TAO is based on the standard OMG CORBA \
    133133    }
    135135    pre-install {
    136         delete ${destroot}${daemondir}/org.macports.${taodaemon}.plist
    137         delete ${destroot}${daemondir}/${taodaemon}.wrapper
     136        file delete ${destroot}${daemondir}/org.macports.${taodaemon}.plist
     137        file delete ${destroot}${daemondir}/${taodaemon}.wrapper
    138138        copy ${worksrcpath}/org.macports.${taodaemon}.plist \
    139139            ${destroot}${daemondir}/org.macports.${taodaemon}.plist
    140140    }