Ticket #42583: redis_2.8.7.patch

File redis_2.8.7.patch, 2.5 KB (added by xeron (Ivan Larionov), 11 years ago)
  • Portfile

    a b  
    44PortSystem          1.0
    66name                redis
    7 version             2.6.14
     7version             2.8.7
    88categories          databases
    99platforms           darwin
    1010license             BSD
    description Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. 
    1515long_description    ${description}
    1717homepage            http://redis.io/
    18 master_sites        googlecode:redis
     18master_sites        http://download.redis.io/releases/
    20 checksums           rmd160  16acfec8a3462dab9e7ee5dd4182ca4fcc68966a \
    21                     sha256  fdf61c693e5c4908b4bb44c428d4a2b7568f05566c144c58fdf19c5cb12a9caf
     20checksums           rmd160  1b04883149d61abb500376971839eeb7419b5b20 \
     21                    sha256  a93e352e50bcc076e649174319c2a819306735c1a1ee83d498ced146eda78670
    2323patchfiles          patch-redis.conf.diff
    If you prefer to start a redis server manually, rather than using 'port load', t 
    6767    redis-server ${prefix}/etc/redis.conf
     70livecheck.url       http://download.redis.io/releases/
     71livecheck.regex     ${name}-(\\d+.\\d+.\\d+)
  • files/patch-redis.conf.diff

    a b  
    1 --- redis.conf.orig     2012-10-29 11:00:30.000000000 -0200
    2 +++ redis.conf  2012-10-29 11:03:27.000000000 -0200
    3 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     1--- redis.conf.orig 2014-03-05 17:42:50.000000000 +0400
     2+++ redis.conf  2014-03-16 02:38:56.000000000 +0400
     3@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
    55 # When running daemonized, Redis writes a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid by
    66 # default. You can specify a custom pid file location here.
    1010 # Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379.
    1111 # If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
    12 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    13  # Specify the log file name. Also 'stdout' can be used to force
     12@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     13 # Specify the log file name. Also the empty string can be used to force
    1414 # Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
    1515 # output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
    16 -logfile stdout
     16-logfile ""
    1717+logfile @PREFIX@/var/log/redis.log
    1919 # To enable logging to the system logger, just set 'syslog-enabled' to yes,
    2020 # and optionally update the other syslog parameters to suit your needs.
    21 @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
    22  # Also the Append Only File will be created inside this directory.
     21@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
     22 # The Append Only File will also be created inside this directory.
    2323 #
    2424 # Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
    2525-dir ./