Ticket #43232: patch-cacti-Portfile.diff

File patch-cacti-Portfile.diff, 13.3 KB (added by jul_bsd@…, 10 years ago)
  • net/cacti/Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 125738 2014-09-25 14:43:03Z mf2k@macports.org $
     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
     2# $Id: Portfile 111384 2013-09-19 21:52:20Z markd@macports.org $
    3 PortSystem      1.0
     4PortSystem          1.0
    5 name                    cacti
    6 version                 0.8.8b
    7 categories              net
    8 license                 GPL-2+
    9 maintainers             nomaintainer
    10 platforms               darwin
    11 supported_archs noarch
     6name                cacti
     7version             0.8.8c
     8categories          net
     9license             GPL-2+
     10maintainers         nomaintainer
     11platforms           darwin
     12supported_archs     noarch
    13 description             Cacti is a complete RRDtool network graphing solution.
     14description         Cacti is a complete RRDtool network graphing solution.
    15 long_description        Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed \
     16long_description    Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed \
    1617                        to harness the power of RRDtool's data storage and \
    1718                        graphing functions.
    19 homepage                http://www.cacti.net
    20 master_sites            http://www.cacti.net/downloads
     20homepage            http://www.cacti.net
     21master_sites        http://www.cacti.net/downloads:c
     22distfiles           ${distname}${extract.suffix}:c
     24checksums           ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
     25                    rmd160  591d08d27824444b68e4f517eb52be8bd08fc5f4 \
     26                    sha256  f9b17ed37eac1cdd9ea43d04a09592773216682c5fe7754f9dfcbd5727e70c79 \
    22 checksums               md5 acb40deae073ca22e5c01a8e3ba389fb \
    23                         rmd160 a2c88961565c6b5d593b4f2603514139800c9145
     28depends_lib         port:rrdtool
    25 depends_lib             path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5 \
    26                         port:rrdtool
     30## http://bugs.cacti.net/view.php?id=2261
     31patchfiles          patch-cacti-r7304.diff patch-cacti-r7331.diff
    2833use_configure   no
    2934build {}
    31 set cactiversion 0.8.8a
    3236set cactidir ${prefix}/share/cacti
     38post-patch {
     39    reinplace "s|/usr/local/bin/rrdtool|${prefix}/bin/rrdtool|g;s|/usr/bin/php|${prefix}/bin/php55|;s|/usr/bin/snmp|${prefix}/bin/snmp|g" ${worksrcpath}/install/index.php
     41#post-configure {
     42#    addgroup cactiuser
     43#    add_users cactiuser gid=[existsgroup cactiuser] home=${cactidir} shell=/sbin/nologin realname=Cacti\ user
     45add_users cactiuser group=cactiuser home=${cactidir} shell=/sbin/nologin realname=Cacti\ user
     47destroot.asroot yes
    3448destroot {
    3549# Copy Cacti files
    36         file mkdir ${destroot}${cactidir}
    37         system "cp -R ${worksrcpath}/* ${destroot}${cactidir}"
     50    xinstall -d ${destroot}${cactidir}
     51    system "cp -R ${worksrcpath}/* ${destroot}${cactidir}"
     52    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/LaunchDaemons/
     53    copy ${filespath}/org.macports.${name}.plist ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/LaunchDaemons/
     54    reinplace "s|%%PREFIX%%|${prefix}|g;s|%%CACTIDIR%%|${cactidir}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.${name}.plist
     55    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}
     56    move ${destroot}${cactidir}/include/config.php ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/
     57    move ${destroot}${cactidir}/include/global.php ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/
     58    copy ${filespath}/nginx-cacti.conf ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/
     59    reinplace "s|%%PREFIX%%|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/nginx-cacti.conf
     60    copy ${filespath}/mp-cacti.conf ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/
     61    reinplace "s|%%PREFIX%%|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/mp-cacti.conf
     62    xinstall -d -m 755 -o cactiuser ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/${name}
     64    destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/${name}
     67post-activate {
     68    if ![file exists ${cactidir}/include/config.php ] {
     69        copy ${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/config.php ${cactidir}/include/
     70    }
     71    if ![file exists ${cactidir}/include/global.php ] {
     72        copy ${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/global.php ${cactidir}/include/
     73    }
     74    if { ! [file exists ${prefix}/etc/nginx/nginx-cacti.conf ] && [file exists ${prefix}/etc/nginx] } {
     75        copy ${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/nginx-cacti.conf ${prefix}/etc/nginx/nginx-cacti.conf
     76    }
    4483The full documentation may be found at http://www.cacti.net/documentation.php.
    47 1) Install PHP and MySQL 5 (not covered).  These instructions assume MySQL 5 was
    48    installed from MacPorts.
     861) Install PHP and MySQL 5 (not covered). You can choose appropriate MySQL with variants.
    5088   Check to make sure the PHP variable \"mysql.default_socket\" is set to path
    51    ${prefix}/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock by viewing the output of this terminal command:
    52         php -i
     89   ${prefix}/var/run/mysql*/mysqld.sock by viewing the output of this terminal command:
     90        $ php -i
    5492   If not, locate the php.ini file for your version of PHP and type the path there.
    57 2) Set Cacti permissions.
    58    sudo chown -R <cacti-user>:<cacti-group> ${prefix}/share/${name}/
    61 3) Setup MySQL and prepare it for Cacti.
    62    Configure MySQL (new MySQL installs)
    63         sudo -u mysql ${prefix}/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_install_db
     952) Set Cacti permissions for the scheduled task
     96        $ sudo chown -R cactiuser:cactiuser ${cactidir}/rra/ ${cactidir}/log/
    65   Start MySQL:
    66         sudo ${prefix}/share/mysql5/mysql/mysql.server start
    68    Set MySQL to start at system boot
    69         sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5.plist
    71    Set a root MySQL password.
    72         Follow the instructions that were given after you executed 'mysql_install_db' above.
     983) prepare MySQL for Cacti.
    74100   Create a cacti MySQL user and cacti database.
    75         mysql5 -u root -p (login with root password set above when prompted)
     101    mysql5 -u root -p (login with root password set above when prompted)
    76102        mysql> GRANT ALL ON cacti.* to cacti@localhost;
    77103        mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR cacti@localhost = PASSWORD('<my-cactidb-pwd>');
    78104        mysql> flush privileges;
    79         mysql> create database cacti;
    80         mysql> exit;
     105    mysql> create database cacti;
     106    mysql> exit;
    82108   Import the cacti database.
    83         sudo cat ${cactidir}/cacti.sql | mysql5 -u root -p cacti (cacti is the db name)
     109    cat ${cactidir}/cacti.sql | mysql5 -u root -p cacti (cacti is the db name)
    85111   Verify the Cacti Database.
    86         mysql5 -u root -p
    87         mysql> use cacti;
    88         mysql> show tables;
    89         mysql> exit;
    92 4) Edit ${cactidir}/include/config.php to match your MySQL information and url path.
    94         \$database_type = \"mysql\";
    95         \$database_default = \"cacti\";
    96         \$database_hostname = \"localhost\";
    97         \$database_username = \"cacti\";
    98         \$database_password = \"<my-cactidb-pwd>\";
    101 5) Place a symlink for Cacti inside your Apache document root.
    103         ln -s ${cactidir}  <Apache-docroot>/cacti
    106 6) Edit the Cacti user's crontab file.
    107         sudo -u <cactiuser> crontab -e
    109   Insert the crontab entry below:
    110         */5 * * * * ${prefix}/bin/php ${cactidir}/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1
     112    mysql5 -u cacti -p cacti
     113    mysql> show tables;
     114    mysql> exit;
     1174) If not existing, edit ${cactidir}/include/config.php to match your MySQL information and url path.
     119    \$database_type = \"mysql\";
     120    \$database_default = \"cacti\";
     121    \$database_hostname = \"localhost\";
     122    \$database_username = \"cacti\";
     123    \$database_password = \"<my-cactidb-pwd>\";
     125   If using socket file, remember to check php.ini as said in 1)
     1275) Include in your webserver
     128   If Apache, Place a symlink for Cacti inside your Apache document root.
     129        # ln -s ${cactidir}  <Apache-docroot>/cacti
     130   If Nginx, include appropriate config. Example is included and copied
     131   in ${prefix}/etc/nginx if existing
     1346) Add poller.php scheduled task. A default plist has been installed to use w php55.
     135   Adjust depending on your setup
     136        # ln -s ${prefix}/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.${name}.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
     137        # launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.${name}.plist
     138   Poller log files are ${prefix}/var/log/cacti/poller*.log
     139   You can enable log rotation by using template for system newsyslog
     140        # cp ${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/mp-cacti.conf /private/etc/newsyslog.d/
    1131427) If you wish to use Cacti plugins, you must perform these additional steps.
    115144   a) Download the Cacti plugin(s) you want to use and copy the unzipped directory to ${cactidir}/plugins/
    116145      For example:
    117         ${cactidir}/plugins/weathermap/
     146    ${cactidir}/plugins/weathermap/
    119148   b) In the Cacti web GUI, go to Configuration -> Plugin Management and you should see your plugin(s) listed.
    120149      Under 'Actions', click the the install icon to install each plugin.
    1261558) Go to http://localhost/cacti/install/index.php.
    127         The default user/password is admin/admin.  Select 'New Install', enter
    128         the paths for SNMP / RRDtool / PHP (see below), and click 'Finish'.
    129         You may now use Cacti at http://localhost/cacti/index.php.
    131 Verify paths:
    132         snmpwalk binary path: /usr/bin/snmpwalk
    133         snmpget binary path: /usr/bin/snmpget
    135         RRDtool binary path: ${prefix}/bin/rrdtool
    136         PHP binary path: ${prefix}/bin/php (if not using MacPorts PHP, use appropriate path)
     156    The default user/password is admin/admin.  Select 'New Install', enter
     157    the paths for SNMP / RRDtool / PHP (adjusted to macports), and click 'Finish'.
     158    You may now use Cacti at http://localhost/cacti/index.php.
    1391609) Create interface traffic graphs
    140161   a) Devices -> Add
    148169        -Select a graph type from the menu in the bottom right and click the 'Create' button beside it
    150171   c) Place some or all a device's graphs on a graph tree from the Devices or Graph Management section
     17310) If you want to use snmp on your mac, you can either use
     174   * Apple default SNMP
     175       # /usr/bin/snmpconf -g basic_setup
     176       $ sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.net-snmp.snmpd.plist
     177   * Macports
     178       $ sudo port install net-snmp +server
     179       # ${prefix}/bin/snmpconf -g basic_setup
     180       # mv snmpd.conf ${prefix}/etc/
     181       $ sudo port load net-snmp
     185if {![variant_isset mysql5] && ![variant_isset mysql51] && ![variant_isset mysql55] && ![variant_isset mariadb] && ![variant_isset percona]} {
     186    default_variants +mysql56
     189default_variants-append      +superlinks
     191## http://wotsit.thingy.com/haj/cacti/superlinks-plugin.html
     192variant superlinks description { plugin superlinks } {
     193    master_sites-append        http://wotsit.thingy.com/haj/cacti/:superlinks
     194    distfiles-append           superlinks-0.8.zip:superlinks
     195    checksums-append           superlinks-0.8.zip \
     196                    rmd160  880c639db183f1813d37dacec9f89c4dde988d5d \
     197                    sha256  424b8e828306af0646f571aec92dad9c9b9910e49009d08634c41fbf6ff03597
     199    post-extract {
     200        system -W ${worksrcpath}/plugins "unzip ${distpath}/superlinks-0.8.zip"
     201    }
     204## http://www.network-weathermap.com/manual/latest/pages/cacti-plugin.html
     205variant weathermap description { plugin weathermap } {
     206    depends_lib-append   port:pcre port:gd
     207    master_files-append     http://www.network-weathermap.com/files/:w
     208    distfiles-append     php-weathermap-0.97c.zip:w
     210    post-extract {
     211        system -W ${worksrcpath}/plugins "unzip ${distpath}/php-weathermap-0.97c.zip"
     212    }
     213    destroot-append {
     214        ## unpack in cactidir/plugins/weathermap
     215        ## chown -R cactiuser cactidir/plugins/weathermap/output
     216    }
     218notes-append "
     219As a reminder, you will need php*-pcre php*-gd corresponding to your PHP release target.
     220You will need to enable the plugin in ${cactidir}/includes/config.php. Add the following line:
     221    \$plugins\[\] = 'weathermap';
     225## http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?p=173542#p173542
     226variant advancedping description { template advancedping } {
     227    depends_run-append   port:fping
     228    distfiles-append http://forums.cacti.net/download/file.php?id=18479 \
     229        http://forums.cacti.net/download/file.php?id=18480
     231    reinplace "s|/usr/sbin/fping|${prefix}/sbin/fping|g" ss_fping.php
     234## include Mac template ?
     236## cpu snmp removed by apple. no but some random conditions can happen, it seems
     237## http://macosx.com/forums/mac-os-x-system-mac-software/273289-net-snmp-cpu-stats.html
     239variant mysql5 \
     240    conflicts mysql51 mysql55 mysql56 mariadb percona \
     241    description "Enable MySQL 5.1 support" {
     243    depends_lib-append          port:mysql5
     246variant mysql51 \
     247    conflicts mysql5 mysql55 mysql56 mariadb percona \
     248    description "Enable MySQL 5.1 support" {
     250    depends_lib-append          port:mysql51
     253variant mysql55 \
     254    conflicts mysql5 mysql51 mysql56 mariadb percona \
     255    description "Enable MySQL 5.5 support" {
     257    depends_lib-append          port:mysql55
     260variant mysql56 \
     261    conflicts mysql5 mysql51 mysql55 mariadb percona \
     262    description "Enable MySQL 5.6 support" {
     264    depends_lib-append          port:mysql56
     267variant mariadb \
     268    conflicts mysql5 mysql51 mysql55 mysql56 percona \
     269    description "Enable MariaDB (MySQL) support" {
     271    depends_lib-append          port:mariadb
     274variant percona \
     275    conflicts mysql5 mysql51 mysql55 mysql56 mariadb \
     276    description "Enable Percona (MySQL) support" {
     277        depends_lib-append          port:percona
     280livecheck.type     regex
     281livecheck.url       ${homepage}
     282livecheck.regex     "\">(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+\\w*)*)</a></strong></span>"