Ticket #43678: gdal.diff

File gdal.diff, 4.0 KB (added by jsm@…, 10 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    44PortSystem          1.0
    66name                gdal
    7 version             1.10.1
    8 revision            4
     7version             1.11.0
     8revision            1
    99categories          gis
    1010license             MIT BSD
    1111platforms           darwin
    2727                    http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/ \
    2828                    http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/CURRENT/
    30 checksums           rmd160  b06cbd0f34a6dad99768d5f75a9856e4e027d3bc \
    31                     sha256  9984f0314c0bd831eb59fb646c2bc5e13cf1378be4f51499045166cbe62be6ea
     30checksums           rmd160  0a522a145131b65103d0e6c02e52651069005e48\
     31                    sha256  989db33ff411e2c888348e71edec5ad06c74ed68781ebfbc4e85179b9d65aafe
    3333depends_lib-append  port:zlib \
    3434                    port:libpng \
    9696# Patch to ensure that the python installation respects DESTDIR
    9797patchfiles          patch-swig_python_GNUmakefile \
    9898                    patch-gdalwarpkernel_opencl_c.diff \
    99                     patch-gdalwarpkernel_opencl_c_2.diff \
    10099                    patch-gdalwarpkernel_opencl_h.diff
    102 # Upstream fix for "Undefined symbols: _environ"
    103 patchfiles-append   patch-port-cpl_spawn.cpp.diff
    105101# Patches for universal build
    106102post-configure {
    107103    reinplace -E "s|(INST_PYMOD).*|\\1\t=\t${PYINST}|" \
    139135    configure.args-append       --with-mrsid=${prefix}/share/Geo_DSDK/Raster_DSDK
     138variant ecw description {Enable ECW file format} {
     139    configure.args-delete   --without-ecw
     140    configure.args-append   --with-ecw=/Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1
     142    pre-configure {
     143        if {(![file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1]) && \
     144            (![file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only])} {
     145            ui_error "
     147* The Intergraph ECW SDK with version 5.1 or 5.1.1 is needed to
     148* compile gdal with the ecw variant.
     149* Please download and install the Mac OS X version of the SDK
     150* 'ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK v5.1 (MacOSX)' from
     151* http://download.intergraph.com/
     152* If you use the version 5.1.1 of the SDK the following commands
     153* should be executed before installing gdal with the ecw variant:
     154sudo ln -s /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1
     155sudo ln -s /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libNCSEcw.a /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libEcwJp2SDK.a
     157            error "ECW SDK 5.1 not installed."
     158            }
     159        if {(![file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1]) && \
     160            ([file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only])} {
     161            ui_error "
     163* You are using the version 5.1.1 of the SDK.
     164* Please execute the following commands to allow the
     165* installation of qdal with the ecw variant:
     166sudo ln -s /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1
     167sudo ln -s /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libNCSEcw.a /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libEcwJp2SDK.a
     169            error "Symbolic links to the SDK not created yet."
     170            }
     171        if {(![file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libEcwJp2SDK.a]) && \
     172            ([file exists /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libNCSEcw.a])} {
     173            ui_error "
     175* Please execute the following command to allow the
     176* installation of qdal with the ecw variant:
     177sudo ln -s /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libNCSEcw.a /Intergraph/ERDASEcwJpeg2000SDK5.1/lib/libEcwJp2SDK.a
     179            error "Symbolic link to the SDK library not created yet."
     180            }
     182    }
    142186variant hdf4 description {Enable HDF4 file format} {
    143187    depends_lib-append      port:hdf4
    144188    configure.args-delete   --without-hdf4
    342386            bin/nearblack \
    343387            bin/ogr2ogr \
    344388            bin/ogrinfo \
     389            bin/ogrlineref \
    345390            bin/ogrtindex \
    346391            bin/testepsg \
    347392            lib/libgdal.1.dylib] \