Ticket #44207: patch-qt5-mac_Portfile.diff
File patch-qt5-mac_Portfile.diff, 634 bytes (added by mkae (Marko Käning), 10 years ago) |
95 95 } 96 96 } 97 97 98 # More testing is required to see if this is necessary. 99 use_parallel_build no 98 # Kuba states in https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44207#comment:7 99 # "There's no reason to have parallel building disabled. Really." 100 #use_parallel_build no 100 101 101 102 # header file QtCore/private/qmachparser_p.h is included only if "defined(QT_BUILD_INTERNAL) && defined(Q_OF_MACH_O)" 102 103 # code from header is used only "ifdef Q_OF_MACH_O"