Ticket #46008: patch-Makefile.diff

File patch-Makefile.diff, 697 bytes (added by garth@…, 10 years ago)
  • Makefile

    old new  
    4343# What to install.
    4444TO_BIN= lua luac
    4545TO_INC= lua.h luaconf.h lualib.h lauxlib.h ../etc/lua.hpp
    46 TO_LIB= liblua.a
     46TO_LIB= liblua.a liblua.dylib
    4747TO_MAN= lua.1 luac.1
    4949# Lua version and release.
    6464        cd src && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TO_INC) $(INSTALL_INC)
    6565        cd src && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TO_LIB) $(INSTALL_LIB)
    6666        cd doc && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TO_MAN) $(INSTALL_MAN)
     67        cd $(INSTALL_LIB) && ln -s liblua.dylib liblua.%VERSION%.dylib
     68        cd $(INSTALL_LIB) && ln -s liblua.dylib liblua.%COMPAT_VERSION%.dylib
    6971        cd src && cd $(INSTALL_LIB) && $(RANLIB) $(TO_LIB)