Ticket #46095: patch-mod_security-Portfile.diff

File patch-mod_security-Portfile.diff, 4.2 KB (added by jul_bsd@…, 10 years ago)
  • www/mod_security/Portfile

    old new  
     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    12# $Id: Portfile 73092 2010-11-03 22:13:28Z jmr@macports.org $
    2 PortSystem 1.0
    3 name            mod_security
    4 version         1.8.6
    5 categories      www security
    6 maintainers     touche.fr.st:julien.touche
    7 description     intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
    8 long_description        ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and \
    9                         prevention engine for web applications. It operates \
    10                         embedded into the web server, acting as a powerful \
    11                         umbrella - shielding applications from attacks. \
    12                         It supports both branches of the Apache web server.
    13 homepage        http://www.modsecurity.org/
    14 master_sites    sourceforge:macports
    15 platforms       darwin
    16 checksums       md5 f6bf4724dd0db3d37586b64bc0ee160d \
    17                 sha1 9b6df25f3e5cf97b7c18caba79f90dca54800368
    19 use_configure   no
     4PortSystem  1.0
     6name                mod_security
     7version             1.9.5
     8categories          www security
     9maintainers         nomaintainer
     10description         intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
     11long_description    ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and \
     12                    prevention engine for web applications. It operates \
     13                    embedded into the web server, acting as a powerful \
     14                    umbrella - shielding applications from attacks. \
     15                    It supports both branches of the Apache web server.
     16homepage            http://www.modsecurity.org/
     17license             GPL-2
     18platforms           darwin
     19## http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/1.9.5/
     20#master_sites    sourceforge:macports
     21#master_sites    sourceforge:mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/${version}/        # NOK
     22#master_sites    sourceforge:projects/mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/${version}/    # NOK
     23#master_sites    sourceforge:project/mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/${version}/    # NOK
     24#master_sites    sourceforge:modsecurity-apache/${version}/                # NOK
     25master_sites        sourceforge:projects/mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/${version}/
     26distname            modsecurity-apache_${version}
     28checksums           rmd160  f36f29f75bb30ca80ebaf5a96aa951e9de475d03 \
     29                    sha256  927fafbce4fc11d32fe808a46c62da335a8703a6d18c22aadb7dd9692cf752a5
     31use_configure    no
    2133#variant apache1 {
    22         depends_lib port:apache
    23         build.cmd       ${prefix}/sbin/apxs
    24         set apachedir   apache
    25         set apachever   apache1
     34    depends_lib port:apache
     35    build.cmd    ${prefix}/sbin/apxs
     36    set apachedir    apache
     37    set apachever    apache1
    28 #variant apache2        {
    29 #       depends_lib     port:apache2
    30 #       build.cmd       ${prefix}/apache2/bin/apxs
    31 #       set apachedir   apache2
    32 #       set apachever   apache2
     40#variant apache2    {
     41#    depends_lib    port:apache2
     42#    build.cmd    ${prefix}/apache2/bin/apxs
     43#    set apachedir    apache2
     44#    set apachever    apache2
    35 build.args      -c -o ${name}.so ${apachever}/${name}.c
     47build.args    -c -o ${name}.so ${apachever}/${name}.c
    3850destroot {
    39         xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/${apachedir} \
    40                 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
    41         xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/${name}.so \
    42                 ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/${apachedir}/
    43         xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGES INSTALL LICENSE README \
    44                 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
     51    xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/${apachedir} \
     52        ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
     53    xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/${name}.so \
     54        ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/${apachedir}/
     55    xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGES INSTALL LICENSE README \
     56        ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
     59notes "mod_security ${version} has been released on 2009.01.22. You are strongly encouraged to use mod_security2 or other maintained alternatives.
     62livecheck.type      regex
     63livecheck.url       http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/
     64livecheck.regex     "<a href=\"/projects/mod-security/files/modsecurity-apache/(1(?:\\.\\d+)*)/\""