Ticket #46471: Portfile-logtalk.diff

File Portfile-logtalk.diff, 8.6 KB (added by pmoura (Paulo Moura), 10 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    11# $Id: Portfile 101020 2013-01-03 07:36:46Z ryandesign@macports.org $
    3 PortSystem      1.0
    4 name            logtalk
    5 conflicts       logtalk-devel
    6 version     2.44.1
     3PortSystem          1.0
     4name                logtalk
     5conflicts           logtalk-devel
     6version             3.00.0
     8categories          lang
     9maintainers         logtalk.org:pmoura
     10license             GPL-3+
     11platforms           darwin freebsd linux
     12supported_archs     noarch
     14description         Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language
     16long_description    Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language that extends and \
     17                    leverages the Prolog language with a feature set suitable for programming \
     18                    in the large. Logtalk supports modern code encapsulation and code reuse   \
     19                    mechanisms without compromising the declarative programming features of   \
     20                    Prolog. Logtalk is implemented in highly portable code and can use most   \
     21                    modern and standards compliant Prolog implementations as a back-end       \
     22                    compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, it includes support for modules,  \
     23                    prototypes, classes, protocols (interfaces), categories (components and   \
     24                    hot patching), event-driven programming, and high-level multi-threading   \
     25                    programming. Its distribution uses a commercial friendly license and      \
     26                    includes full documentation, portable libraries, a comprehensive set of   \
     27                    portable developer tools, and a large number of programming examples to   \
     28                    help get you started.
     30homepage            http://logtalk.org/
     32homepage            http://logtalk.org/
     33master_sites        ${homepage}files/
     35checksums           \
     36    sha256          7462eaf8fd7fa865f8cccbb449a97981fbcb109a21536e2420f205b3b4b814b2  \
     37    rmd160          3afcce7be34aadd07e8d88b795b67591889cb247
    8 categories      lang
    9 maintainers     logtalk.org:pmoura
    10 license         Artistic-2
    11 platforms       darwin freebsd linux
    12 supported_archs noarch
     39use_bzip2           yes
    14 description     Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language
     41depends_lib         port:shared-mime-info
    16 long_description        \
    17         Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language that can use most              \
    18         Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. As a multi-paradigm language,    \
    19         it includes support for both prototypes and classes, protocols (interfaces),    \
    20         component-based programming through category-based composition, event-driven    \
    21         programming, and high-level multi-threading programming.
     43use_configure       no
    23 homepage                http://logtalk.org/
    24 master_sites    ${homepage}files/
    26 checksums       \
    27         sha1        9649b95be37b511676a5a1926d75c1a46b285642  \
    28         rmd160      d02cd52ca322c819ac671d9abf83956a7b6c3ecf
    30 distname                lgt[strsed ${version} {g/\.//}]
    32 use_bzip2               yes
    34 depends_lib             port:shared-mime-info
    36 use_configure   no
    38 build                   {}
     45build               {}
    4047destroot {
    41         system "cd ${worksrcpath}/scripts && ./install.sh ${destroot}${prefix}"
     48    system "cd ${worksrcpath}/scripts && ./install.sh -p ${destroot}${prefix}"
    4451post-destroot {
    45         delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/mime
     52    delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/mime
    4855package.flat no
    5057post-pkg {
    51         set resources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.pkg/Contents/Resources/
    52         file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/License.html ${resources}
    53         file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/ReadMe.html ${resources}
    54         file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/Welcome.html ${resources}
    55         file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/postflight ${resources}
     58    set resources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.pkg/Contents/Resources/
     59    file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/License.html ${resources}
     60    file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/ReadMe.html ${resources}
     61    file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/Welcome.html ${resources}
     62    file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/postflight ${resources}
    5865post-activate {
    59         ui_msg "****************************************************************************"
    60         ui_msg "* Integration scripts have been created for running Logtalk with selected"
    61         ui_msg "* back-end Prolog compilers (which must be properly installed for running"
    62         ui_msg "* the scripts!):"
    63         ui_msg "*"
    64         ui_msg "* B-Prolog (version 7.5#8 or later):     bplgt"
    65         ui_msg "* CxProlog (version 0.97.5 or later):    cxlgt"
    66         ui_msg "* ECLiPSe (version 6.0#141 or later):    eclipselgt"
    67         ui_msg "* GNU Prolog (version 1.4.0 or later):   gplgt"
    68         ui_msg "* Lean Prolog (version 2.19.0 or later): lplgt"
    69         ui_msg "* Qu-Prolog (version 8.12 or later):     qplgt"
    70         ui_msg "* SICStus Prolog (versions 3.12.x, 4.x): sicstuslgt"
    71         ui_msg "* SWI-Prolog (version 5.8.0 or later):   swilgt"
    72         ui_msg "* XSB (version 3.3 or later):            xsblgt     (first run must use sudo)"
    73         ui_msg "* XSB 64 bits (version 3.3 or later):    xsb64lgt   (first run must use sudo)"
    74         ui_msg "* XSB MT (version 3.3 or later):         xsbmtlgt   (first run must use sudo)"
    75         ui_msg "* XSB MT 64 bits (version 3.3 or later): xsbmt64lgt (first run must use sudo)"
    76         ui_msg "* YAP (version 6.0.2 or later):          yaplgt"
    77         ui_msg "*"
    78         ui_msg "* Remember to set the environment variable LOGTALKHOME to the path to"
    79         ui_msg "* the Logtalk distribution: ${prefix}/share/logtalk"
    80         ui_msg "* and the environment variable LOGTALKUSER to your local configuration"
    81         ui_msg "* directory (usually ~/logtalk), which you must create by running the"
    82         ui_msg "* command logtalk_user_setup. See the file \$LOGTALKHOME/CUSTOMIZE.txt"
    83         ui_msg "* for details on how to customize your working environment."
    84         ui_msg "*"
    85         if {[file exists ${prefix}/share/mime/packages/logtalk.xml]} {
    86             delete ${prefix}/share/mime/packages/logtalk.xml
    87         }
    88         xinstall -d ${prefix}/share/mime/packages
    89         xinstall -m 644 ${prefix}/share/${distname}/scripts/freedesktop/logtalk.xml ${prefix}/share/mime/packages
    90         system "${prefix}/bin/update-mime-database ${prefix}/share/mime; true"
    91         ui_msg "* Added the Logtalk mime-type to the Shared MIME-info Database."
    92         ui_msg "****************************************************************************"
     66    ui_msg "****************************************************************************"
     67    ui_msg "* Integration scripts have been created for running Logtalk with selected"
     68    ui_msg "* back-end Prolog compilers (which must be properly installed for running"
     69    ui_msg "* the scripts!):"
     70    ui_msg "*"
     71    ui_msg "* B-Prolog (version 7.8 or later):         bplgt"
     72    ui_msg "* CxProlog (version 0.97.7 or later):      cxlgt"
     73    ui_msg "* ECLiPSe (version 6.1#143 or later):      eclipselgt"
     74    ui_msg "* GNU Prolog (version 1.4.2 or later):     gplgt"
     75    ui_msg "* Lean Prolog (version 3.8.8 or later):    lplgt       (experimental)"
     76    ui_msg "* Qu-Prolog (version 9.0 or later):        qplgt"
     77    ui_msg "* Quintus Prolog (version 3.3 or later):   quintuslgt  (experimental)"
     78    ui_msg "* SICStus Prolog (version 4.1.0 or later): sicstuslgt"
     79    ui_msg "* SWI-Prolog (version 6.0.0 or later):     swilgt"
     80    ui_msg "* XSB (version 3.5.0 or later):            xsblgt      (first run may require sudo)"
     81    ui_msg "* XSB MT (version 3.5.0 or later):         xsbmtlgt    (first run may require sudo)"
     82    ui_msg "* YAP (version 6.3.4 or later):            yaplgt"
     83    ui_msg "*"
     84    ui_msg "* Remember to set the environment variable LOGTALKHOME to the path to"
     85    ui_msg "* the Logtalk distribution: ${prefix}/share/logtalk"
     86    ui_msg "* and the environment variable LOGTALKUSER to your local configuration"
     87    ui_msg "* directory (usually ~/logtalk), which you must create by running the"
     88    ui_msg "* command logtalk_user_setup. See the file \$LOGTALKHOME/CUSTOMIZE.txt"
     89    ui_msg "* for details on how to customize your working environment."
     90    ui_msg "*"
     91    if {[file exists ${prefix}/share/mime/packages/logtalk.xml]} {
     92        delete ${prefix}/share/mime/packages/logtalk.xml
     93    }
     94    xinstall -d ${prefix}/share/mime/packages
     95    xinstall -m 644 ${prefix}/share/${distname}/scripts/freedesktop/logtalk.xml ${prefix}/share/mime/packages
     96    system "${prefix}/bin/update-mime-database ${prefix}/share/mime; true"
     97    ui_msg "* Added the Logtalk mime-type to the Shared MIME-info Database."
     98    ui_msg "****************************************************************************"