Ticket #46522: root6.diff

File root6.diff, 1.7 KB (added by cjones051073 (Chris Jones), 10 years ago)
  • science/root6/Portfile

    1010PortGroup           select 1.0
    1212# don't forget to update both the git tag and the version
    13 #github.setup       root-mirror root 6-02-02 v
    14 github.setup        root-mirror root aad93c83b3773cbaf91a7d634caed05b35bd658d
    15 version             6.02.02
     13github.setup        root-mirror root 6-02-03 v
     14#github.setup        root-mirror root aad93c83b3773cbaf91a7d634caed05b35bd658d
     15version             6.02.03
    1717# this could be a better way to set the version (unless we use a sha sum for the git tag ;)
    1818# version           [string map {- .} $version]
    1919set version_major   [lindex [split ${version} .] 0]
    21 checksums           rmd160  c72bcdd135cf11117fba41ed868bf98a3d63da4d \
    22                     sha256  5ca3ccf6b8faf5f8ddf79b1c12db7c0dd65f335dd8b7186e8a14a7888b461df7
     21checksums           rmd160  31cf7de29dca13d788a4e99507c3c14d7b62682a \
     22                    sha256  fc138ca2325a253349eba9ce1777482e0c4a77a70c1f2ca30ac9b8c00545a125
    2424name                root${version_major}
    2525categories          science
    2929description         ROOT is a data analysis framework from CERN
    3030long_description    The ROOT system provides a set of frameworks with all \
    3131                    the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts \
    32                     of data in a very efficient way. ROOT6 is a development release, \
    33                     for a more stable release install the ROOT5 port instead.
     32                    of data in a very efficient way.
    3534homepage            http://root.cern.ch/
    3635platforms           darwin