Ticket #46607: qt4-prevent-mousevent-for-deleted-object.diff

File qt4-prevent-mousevent-for-deleted-object.diff, 898 bytes (added by RJVB (René Bertin), 10 years ago)
  • qt_cocoa_helpers_mac.mm

    old new  
    12801280        // released. We therefore need to re-check if should send (delayed) enter leave events:
    12811281        // qt_button_down has now become NULL since the call at the top of the function. Also, since
    12821282        // the relase might have closed a window, we dont give the nativeWidget hint
    1283         qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(0, QEvent::None, localPoint, globalPoint, nativeWidget, &widgetUnderMouse);
     1283        //qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(0, QEvent::None, localPoint, globalPoint, nativeWidget, &widgetUnderMouse);
     1284           //RJVB:
     1285        qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(0, QEvent::None, localPoint, globalPoint, NULL, &widgetUnderMouse);
    12841286        qt_mac_checkEnterLeaveForNativeWidgets(widgetUnderMouse);
    12851287    }