Ticket #46645: update_to_groovy_2.4.1.patch

File update_to_groovy_2.4.1.patch, 3.8 KB (added by breun (Nils Breunese), 10 years ago)
  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name            groovy
    6 version         2.3.9
     6version         2.4.1
    8 categories      java lang
     8categories      devel lang java groovy
    99maintainers     breun.nl:nils openmaintainer
    1010platforms       darwin
    1111license         Apache-2
    1414description     Groovy -- a Java-based scripting language
    16 long_description Groovy is a new agile dynamic language for the JVM combining \
    17                 lots of great features from languages like Python, Ruby and \
    18                 Smalltalk and making them available to Java developers \
    19                 using a Java-like syntax. \
    20                 \
    21                 Groovy is designed to help you get things done on the Java \
    22                 platform in a quicker, more concise and fun way - bringing \
    23                 the power of Python and Ruby inside the Java platform. \
    24                 \
    25                 Groovy can be used as an alternative compiler to javac to \
    26                 generate standard Java bytecode to be used by any Java project \
    27                 or it can be used dynamically as an alternative language such \
    28                 as for scripting Java objects, templating or writing unit test cases.
     16long_description Groovy... \
     17                * is an agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine \
     18                * builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power \
     19                  features inspired by languages like Python, Ruby and Smalltalk \
     20                * makes modern programming features available to Java developers \
     21                  with almost-zero learning curve \
     22                * provides the ability to statically type check and statically \
     23                  compile your code for robustness and performance \
     24                * supports Domain-Specific Languages and other compact syntax so \
     25                  your code becomes easy to read and maintain \
     26                * makes writing shell and build scripts easy with its powerful \
     27                  processing primitives, OO abilities and an Ant DSL \
     28                * increases developer productivity by reducing scaffolding code \
     29                  when developing web, GUI, database or console applications \
     30                * simplifies testing by supporting unit testing and mocking \
     31                  out-of-the-box \
     32                * seamlessly integrates with all existing Java classes and \
     33                  libraries \
     34                * compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere \
     35                  you can use Java
    30 homepage        http://groovy.codehaus.org/
    31 master_sites    http://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/
    32 distname        groovy-binary-${version}
     37homepage        http://groovy-lang.org/
     38master_sites    http://dl.bintray.com/${name}/maven/
     39distname        ${name}-binary-${version}
    3340use_zip         yes
    35 checksums       rmd160  c33b1da017aa38d85e29ffbd17a66bc27ee22b7c \
    36                 sha256  8840d120bb84d39836f08492ac2f6caefefc03ffe957031a6bbfada055d53619
     42checksums       rmd160  403c1a888d30e0cf76129f7bfb864c6cd553e4a5 \
     43                sha256  90fd90cd29cfd1af59b33ddca668a69e4823a1e3e03eeade4964c64800da1aae
    38 worksrcdir      groovy-${version}
     45worksrcdir      ${name}-${version}
    4047use_configure   no
    6067    # Add symlinks to the scripts
    6168    foreach f { grape groovy groovyConsole groovyc groovydoc groovysh java2groovy startGroovy } {
    62         ln -s ../share/java/groovy/bin/${f} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
     69        ln -s ../share/java/${name}/bin/${f} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
    6370    }
    66 livecheck.regex groovy-binary-(\[\\d\.\]+)${extract.suffix}
     73livecheck.regex ${name}-binary-(\[\\d\.\]+)${extract.suffix}