Ticket #46952: akonadi-diff.patch

File akonadi-diff.patch, 3.2 KB (added by RJVB (René Bertin), 10 years ago)
  • devel/akonadi/Portfile

    old new  
    11# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    2 # $Id: Portfile 127727 2014-11-02 07:21:25Z nicos@macports.org $
     2# $Id: Portfile 126425 2014-10-10 01:31:30Z nicos@macports.org $
    44PortSystem          1.0
    55PortGroup           kde4    1.1
    66PortGroup           compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0
     8fetch.type          git
     9git.url             git://anongit.kde.org/akonadi
     10git.branch          c733429f
    812name                akonadi
    9 version             1.13.0
    10 revision            1
     13set akoversion      1.13.1
     14version             ${akoversion}.20141210
    1115categories          devel kde kde4
    1216maintainers         nicos openmaintainer
    1317license             LGPL-2+
    1519long_description    Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop storage service \
    1620for PIM data and metadata providing concurrent read, write, and query access.
    1721platforms           darwin
    18 homepage            http://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM/Akonadi
    19 master_sites        kde:stable/${name}/src/
    20 use_bzip2           yes
     22# homepage            http://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM/Akonadi
     23# master_sites        kde:stable/${name}/src/
     24# use_bzip2           yes
    22 checksums           rmd160  411e4e3b203cd9681b10d21af75806f723a687ec \
    23                     sha256  8c7f690002ea22c139f3a64394aef2e816e00ca47fd971af7d54a66087356dd2
     26# checksums           rmd160  411e4e3b203cd9681b10d21af75806f723a687ec \
     27#                     sha256  8c7f690002ea22c139f3a64394aef2e816e00ca47fd971af7d54a66087356dd2
    2529depends_lib-append  port:soprano \
    2630                    port:boost \
    177181    default_variants +mariadb55
     184package require fileutil
    180185post-patch {
    181186    # fix '#include "utils.h"' -> "src/utils.h" to avoid a conflict
    182187    # with the 'utils.h' header installed by the cdparanoia port
     188    # do this only on the files actually containing the pattern (which would also exclude the
     189    # .git directory)
    183190    fs-traverse item ${workpath}/${distname} {
    184191        if {[file isfile ${item}]} {
    185             reinplace "/include/s@\\(utils\\.h\\)@src/\\1@g" ${item}
     192            if {[::fileutil::grep "include.*utils.h" ${item}] != ""} {
     193                reinplace "/include/s@\\(utils\\.h\\)@src/\\1@g" ${item}
     194            }
    186195        }
    187196    }
    188197        reinplace "s|/Applications|${applications_dir}|" ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt
     200variant quiet description {Disable debug output to reduce chattyness} {
     201    # mute akonadiserver which is usually overly chatty:
     202    configure.cflags-append     -DQT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT
     203    configure.cxxflags-append   -DQT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT
    191206platform darwin {
    192207    #Deactivate tests for 10.8 and lower, as they require full C++11 support (ticket #45300)
    193208    patchfiles-append     patch-tests.diff
    194209    configure.args-append -DAKONADI_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF
    196210    if {${os.major} == 9} {
    197211        if {[info exists universal_target] && ${universal_target} == "10.4"} {
    198212        # Needed if compiling for 10.4 universal on 10.5