Ticket #47246: pmw2.diff

File pmw2.diff, 22.1 KB (added by howarth.at.macports@…, 10 years ago)

patch with back port of fixes from hg repository of 2.0.1

  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/demos/HistoryText.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/demos/HistoryText.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/demos/HistoryText.py
    old new  
    3838            ['Redo', self.historyText.redo],
    3939            [20, None],
    4040            ['Prev', self.historyText.prev],
    41             ['Next', self.historyText.__next__],
     41            ['Next', self.historyText.next],
    4242            [30, None],
    4343            ['Execute', Pmw.busycallback(self.executeQuery)],
    4444        )
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwBase.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwBase.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwBase.py
    old new  
    2222import tkinter
    2323import collections
     25# tkinter 8.5 -> 8.6 fixed a problem in which selected indexes
     26# were reported as strings instead of ints
     27# by default emulate the same functionality so we don't break
     28# existing interfaces but allow for easy switching
     29#_forceTkinter85Compatibility = True
     31#def setTkinter85Compatible(value):
     32#    global _forceTkinter85Compatibility
     33#    if isinstance(value, bool):
     34#        _forceTkinter85Compatibility = value and tkinter.TkVersion > 8.5
     36#def emulateTk85():
     37#    global _forceTkinter85Compatibility
     38#    return _forceTkinter85Compatibility
    2541# Special values used in index() methods of several megawidgets.
    2642END = ['end']
    2743SELECT = ['select']
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwComboBox.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwComboBox.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwComboBox.py
    old new  
    3333        # Create the components.
    3434        interior = self.interior()
    3636        self._entryfield = self.createcomponent('entryfield',
    3737                (('entry', 'entryfield_entry'),), None,
    3838                Pmw.EntryField, (interior,))
    3939        self._entryfield.grid(column=2, row=2, sticky=self['sticky'])
    4040        interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1)
    4141        self._entryWidget = self._entryfield.component('entry')
    4343        if self['dropdown']:
    4444            self._isPosted = 0
    4545            interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1)
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwEntryField.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwEntryField.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/lib/PmwEntryField.py
    old new  
    416416            return ERROR
    417417        return PARTIAL
    419 def datevalidator(text, format = 'ymd', separator = '/'):
     419def datevalidator(text, fmt = 'ymd', separator = '/'):
    420420    try:
    421         Pmw.datestringtojdn(text, format, separator)
     421        Pmw.datestringtojdn(text, fmt, separator)
    422422        return OK
    423423    except ValueError:
    424424        if re.search('[^0-9' + separator + ']', text) is not None:
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/ComboBox_test.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/ComboBox_test.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/ComboBox_test.py
    old new  
    55import Test
    66import Pmw
    1012if tkinter.TkVersion >= 8.4:
    130132  (c.setentry, '', 1),
    131133  (c.get, (), ''),
    132134  (c.selectitem, 'More Test'),
    133   (c.curselection, (), ('0',)),
     135  ( (c.curselection, (), (0,)) if Test.afterTk85() else (c.curselection, (), ('0',)) ),
    134136  (c.delete, (0, 'end')),
    135137  (c.size, (), 0),
    136138  (c.getcurselection, (), ()),
    148150  (c.see, 11),
    149151  (c.get, 'end', 'Really Long String Test'),
    150152  (c.selectitem, 5),
    151   (c.curselection, (), ('5',)),
     153  ( (c.curselection, (), (5,)) if Test.afterTk85() else (c.curselection, (), ('5',)) ),
    152154  (c.clear, ()),
    153155  (c.get, (), ''),
    154156  (c.size, (), 0),
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/Counter_test.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/Counter_test.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/Counter_test.py
    old new  
    103103    ('entry_textvariable', Test.stringvar),
    104104    (c.checkentry, (), 0),
    105105    (c.cget, 'entry_background', 'red'),
    106     ('entryfield_validate', {'validator' : 'date', 'format' : 'dmy'}),
     106    ('entryfield_validate', {'validator' : 'date', 'fmt' : 'dmy'}),
    107107    (c.valid, (), 0),
    108108    ('datatype', {'counter' : 'date', 'format' : 'dmy', 'yyyy' : 1}),
    109109    (c.setentry, '22/12/1999', Pmw.OK),
    128128    (c.decrement, ()),
    129129    (c.get, (), '10.00.00'),
    131     ('entryfield_validate', {'validator' : 'date', 'format' : 'dmy'}),
     131    ('entryfield_validate', {'validator' : 'date', 'fmt' : 'dmy'}),
    132132    (c.valid, (), 0),
    133133    ('increment', 1),
    134134    ('datatype', {'counter' : 'date', 'format' : 'dmy'}),
    152152    (c.get, (), '00#@!01#@!05'),  # max not exceeded
    153153    ('increment', 1),
    155     ('entryfield_validate', {'validator' : 'date', 'format' : 'ymd',
     155    ('entryfield_validate', {'validator' : 'date', 'fmt' : 'ymd',
    156156        'separator' : '-' }),
    157157    (c.valid, (), 0),
    158158    ('datatype', {'counter' : 'date', 'format' : 'ymd', 'yyyy' : 1,
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/ManualTests.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/ManualTests.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/ManualTests.py
    old new  
    1 Non
     1#!/usr/bin/env python
     3# This is a rough collection of tests that can not be automated.
     4# To add a new test, create a function with name ending in '_test'.
     6import os
     7import string
     8import time
     9import sys
     10import Test
     11import tkinter
     12import Pmw
     14# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     16def scrolledframeflashing_test():
     17    # Script which demonstrates continuous flashing of dynamic scrollbars
     18    # in Pmw.ScrolledFrame.
     19    #
     20    # When this script is run, the two scrollbars will be continuously
     21    # mapped and unmapped and the window will continuously change size.
     23    frame = tkinter.Frame(root)
     24    frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     26    sf = Pmw.ScrolledFrame(frame, borderframe = 0)
     27    sf.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     29    inner = tkinter.Frame(sf.interior(),
     30            width = 401,
     31            height = 300,
     32            borderwidth = 0,
     33            highlightthickness = 0,
     34    )
     35    inner.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     37# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     39def scrolledlistboxflashing_test():
     40    # Script which demonstrates continuous flashing of dynamic scrollbars
     41    # in Pmw.ScrolledListBox.
     42    #
     43    # When this script is run, the two scrollbars will be continuously
     44    # mapped and unmapped and the window will continuously change size.
     46    frame = tkinter.Frame(root)
     47    frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     49    sf = Pmw.ScrolledListBox(frame,
     50            listbox_width = 20,
     51            listbox_height = 10
     52    )
     53    sf.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     54    for i in range(11):
     55        sf.insert('end', '2' * 20)
     57# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     59def scrolledlistboxflashing2_test():
     60    # Another script which demonstrates continuous flashing of dynamic
     61    # scrollbars in Pmw.ScrolledListBox under Pmw.0.8.
     62    #
     63    # When this script is run, the two scrollbars will be continuously
     64    # mapped and unmapped and the window will continuously change size.
     65    #
     66    # (This did not display error when tried with Pmw.0.8, 99/8/3)
     68    def insert():
     69        sectionList = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
     70            '123456789012345678901']
     71        for counter in sectionList:
     72          slb.insert('end', counter)
     74    def clear():
     75        slb.delete(0, 'end')
     77    global slb
     78    slb = Pmw.ScrolledListBox(root)
     79    slb.pack()
     81    root.after(2000,insert)
     82    root.after(3000,clear)
     83    root.after(4000,insert)
     85    root.geometry('400x400')
     87# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     89def scrolledtextflashing_test():
     90    # Script which demonstrates continuous flashing of dynamic scrollbars
     91    # in Pmw.ScrolledText.
     92    #
     93    # When this script is run, the two scrollbars will be continuously
     94    # mapped and unmapped and the window will continuously change size.
     96    frame = tkinter.Frame(root)
     97    frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     99    sf = Pmw.ScrolledText(frame,
     100            text_width = 20,
     101            text_height = 10,
     102            text_wrap = 'none',
     103            borderframe = 0
     104    )
     105    sf.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     106    for i in range(11):
     107        sf.insert('end', '2' * 20)
     108        if i != 10:
     109            sf.insert('end', '\n')
     111# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     113def scrolledcanvasflashing_test():
     114    # Script which demonstrates continuous flashing of dynamic scrollbars
     115    # in Pmw.ScrolledCanvas.
     116    #
     117    # When this script is run, the two scrollbars will be continuously
     118    # mapped and unmapped and the window will continuously change size.
     120    frame = tkinter.Frame(root)
     121    frame.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     123    sf = Pmw.ScrolledCanvas(frame,
     124            canvas_scrollregion = (0, 0, 301, 200),
     125            canvas_width=300,
     126            canvas_height=200,
     127            borderframe = 0
     128    )
     129    sf.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
     131# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     133def scrolledframeflashing2_test():
     134    # The two scrollbars will be continuously mapped and unmapped, but
     135    # the toplevel window will remain the same size.
     137    root.geometry('550x500')
     139    frame = tkinter.Frame()
     140    frame.pack()
     142    sf = Pmw.ScrolledFrame(frame, borderframe = 0)
     143    sf.pack(fill = 'both')
     145    inner = tkinter.Frame(sf.interior(),
     146            width = 401,
     147            height = 300,
     148            borderwidth = 0,
     149            highlightthickness = 0,
     150    )
     151    inner.pack()
     153# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     155def reinitialise_test():
     156    global text
     157    text = """
     158    Demonstrates bug in Pmw.0.8.1 and earlier.
     159    Click on this button, click on OK in the dialog, then Exit below.
     160    When this window appears again, clicking on this button gives
     161    an error:
     162    TclError: can't invoke "wm" command:  application has been destroyed
     163    """
     164    class test:
     165        def __init__(self):
     166            root = tkinter.Tk()
     167            Pmw.initialise(root)
     168            self.messagedialog = Pmw.MessageDialog(message_text = 'Testing')
     169            self.messagedialog.withdraw()
     170            button = tkinter.Button(
     171                    text = text, command = self.messagedialog.activate)
     172            button.pack(pady = 20)
     173            exit = tkinter.Button(text = 'Exit', command = root.destroy)
     174            exit.pack(pady = 20)
     175            root.mainloop()
     177    test()
     178    test()
     180# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     182def componentgroup_test():
     183    def addbutton(bb):
     184        bb.configure(Button_background = 'yellow')
     185        bb.add('Apples')
     186        bb.after(3000, lambda bb = bb:
     187                bb.configure(Button_background = 'green'))
     189    bb = Pmw.ButtonBox(Button_background = 'red')
     190    bb.add('Bananas')
     191    bb.pack()
     193    mb = Pmw.MenuBar(Button_background = 'red')
     194    mb.configure(Button_background = 'yellow')
     195    mb.pack()
     197    pw = Pmw.PanedWidget(Frame_background = 'red')
     198    pw.configure(Frame_background = 'yellow')
     199    pw.pack()
     201    rs = Pmw.RadioSelect(Button_background = 'red')
     202    rs.configure(Button_background = 'yellow')
     203    rs.pack()
     205    bb.after(3000, lambda bb = bb, addbutton = addbutton: addbutton(bb))
     207# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     209def balloon_test():
     211    # TODO
     213    # Test that the balloon does not reappear if the mouse button is
     214    # pressed down inside a widget and then, while the mouse button is
     215    # being held down, the mouse is moved outside of the widget and
     216    # then moved back over the widget.
     218    # Test that when a widget is destroyed while a balloon is being
     219    # displayed for it then the balloon is withdrawn.
     221    # Test that when a widget is destroyed while a balloon is being
     222    # displayed for another widget then the balloon is not withdrawn.
     224    # Test that there is no eror when a widget is destroyed during the
     225    # initwait period (between when the mouse enters the widget and
     226    # when the initwait timer goes off).
     228    # Test that if unbind() is called on a widget that triggered the
     229    # balloon to be displayed then the balloon is withdrawn.  Also
     230    # test that if another widget triggered the balloon then the
     231    # balloon is not withdrawn.
     233    # Test that if tagunbind() is called on a canvas or text item that
     234    # triggered the balloon to be displayed then the balloon is
     235    # withdrawn.  Also test that if another widget or item triggered
     236    # the balloon then the balloon is not withdrawn.
     238    pass
     240# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     242# A class which prints out a message when an instance is deleted.
     243class MyToplevel(tkinter.Toplevel):
     245    def __init__(self):
     246        tkinter.Toplevel.__init__(self)
     248    def __del__(self):
     249        print('Window deleted')
     251def _runMemoryLeakTest():
     252    global top
     253    top = MyToplevel()
     254    Pmw.MegaToplevel(top)
     255    Pmw.AboutDialog(top)
     256    Pmw.ComboBoxDialog(top)
     257    Pmw.CounterDialog(top)
     258    Pmw.Dialog(top)
     259    Pmw.MessageDialog(top)
     260    Pmw.PromptDialog(top)
     261    Pmw.SelectionDialog(top)
     262    Pmw.TextDialog(top)
     264    Pmw.ButtonBox(top).pack()
     265    Pmw.ComboBox(top).pack()
     266    Pmw.Counter(top).pack()
     267    Pmw.EntryField(top).pack()
     268    Pmw.Group(top).pack()
     269    Pmw.LabeledWidget(top).pack()
     270    Pmw.MenuBar(top).pack()
     271    Pmw.MessageBar(top).pack()
     272    Pmw.NoteBook(top).pack()
     273    Pmw.OptionMenu(top).pack()
     274    Pmw.PanedWidget(top).pack()
     275    Pmw.RadioSelect(top).pack()
     276    Pmw.ScrolledCanvas(top).pack()
     277    Pmw.ScrolledField(top).pack()
     278    Pmw.ScrolledFrame(top).pack()
     279    Pmw.ScrolledListBox(top).pack()
     280    Pmw.ScrolledText(top).pack()
     281    Pmw.TimeCounter(top).pack()
     283def _killMemoryLeakTest():
     284    global top
     285    top.destroy()
     286    del top
     288memoryLeakMessage = """
     289Click on the "Run test" button to create instances of
     290all Pmw megawidgets. Then click on the "Destroy" button.
     291The message "Window deleted" should be printed to
     292standard output.
     294def memoryleak_test():
     295    label = tkinter.Label(text = memoryLeakMessage)
     296    label.pack()
     297    run = tkinter.Button(text = 'Run test', command = _runMemoryLeakTest)
     298    run.pack()
     299    kill = tkinter.Button(text = 'Destroy', command = _killMemoryLeakTest)
     300    kill.pack()
     302# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     304def memoryleak2_test():
     306    print('This test continuously creates and deletes megawidgets and')
     307    print('their components.  It calls the "top" program, so')
     308    print('may not work on non-Unix operating systems. Run it for a long,')
     309    print('long time and check that the process memory size does not')
     310    print('continue to increase.  Kill with <Control-C>.')
     312    pid = os.getpid()
     314    label = tkinter.Label()
     315    label.pack()
     317    # Setup each test:
     319    # 1. Create/delete all megawidgets:
     320    megawidgets = (
     321        Pmw.AboutDialog, Pmw.Balloon, Pmw.ButtonBox, Pmw.ComboBox,
     322        Pmw.ComboBoxDialog, Pmw.Counter, Pmw.CounterDialog, Pmw.Dialog,
     323        Pmw.EntryField, Pmw.Group, Pmw.HistoryText, Pmw.LabeledWidget,
     324        Pmw.MainMenuBar, Pmw.MenuBar, Pmw.MessageBar, Pmw.MessageDialog,
     325        Pmw.NoteBook, Pmw.OptionMenu, Pmw.PanedWidget, Pmw.PromptDialog,
     326        Pmw.RadioSelect, Pmw.ScrolledCanvas, Pmw.ScrolledField,
     327        Pmw.ScrolledFrame, Pmw.ScrolledListBox, Pmw.ScrolledText,
     328        Pmw.SelectionDialog, Pmw.TextDialog, Pmw.TimeCounter,
     329    )
     331    # 2. Balloon binding:
     332    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     333    balloon = Pmw.Balloon(toplevel)
     334    button = tkinter.Button(toplevel)
     335    button.pack()
     336    canvas = tkinter.Canvas(toplevel)
     337    item = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)
     338    canvas.pack()
     340    # 3. Adding and deleting menu:
     341    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     342    mainmenu = Pmw.MainMenuBar(toplevel)
     343    mainmenu.addmenu('Foo', 'help')
     344    toplevel.configure(menu = mainmenu)
     346    # 4. Adding and deleting notebook page:
     347    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     348    notebook = Pmw.NoteBook(toplevel)
     349    notebook.pack()
     351    # 5. Adding and deleting panedwidget pane:
     352    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     353    panedwidget = Pmw.PanedWidget(toplevel)
     354    panedwidget.pack()
     355    panedwidget.insert('Foo', size = 100)
     357    # 6. Adding and deleting MenuBar menu:
     358    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     359    menubar = Pmw.MenuBar(toplevel)
     360    menubar.pack()
     362    # 7. Setting OptionMenu items:
     363    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     364    optionmenu = Pmw.OptionMenu(toplevel, items = ('XXX', 'YYY', 'ZZZ'))
     365    optionmenu.pack()
     367    # 8. Setting tkinter.Canvas scrollcommand option:
     368    toplevel = tkinter.Toplevel()
     369    scrollcanvas = Pmw.ScrolledCanvas(toplevel)
     370    scrollcanvas.pack()
     372    global prevSize
     373    prevSize = -1
     375    # Loop and run each test:
     376    count = 0
     377    while 1:
     378        count = count + 1
     379        label.configure(text = count)
     381        # 1. Create/delete all megawidgets:
     382        for widgetClass in megawidgets:
     383            widget = widgetClass()
     384            if widgetClass == Pmw.MainMenuBar:
     385                root.configure(menu = widget)
     386            elif hasattr(widgetClass, 'pack'):
     387                widget.pack()
     388            root.update()
     389            widget.destroy()
     391        # 2. Balloon binding:
     392        balloon.bind(button, 'help')
     393        balloon.tagbind(canvas, item, 'help')
     394            # tagbind leaks due to a bug in tkinter (v1.127) Canvas - it adds
     395            # bindings to self._tagcommands but does not delete them.
     396        root.update()
     398        # 3. Adding and deleting MainMenuBar menu:
     399        mainmenu.addmenu('File', 'help')
     400        root.update()
     401        mainmenu.deletemenu('File')
     402        root.update()
     404        # 4. Adding and deleting notebook page:
     405        notebook.insert('File')
     406        root.update()
     407        notebook.delete('File')
     408        root.update()
     410        # 5. Adding and deleting panedwidget pane:
     411        panedwidget.insert('File', size = 100)
     412        root.update()
     413        panedwidget.delete('File')
     414        root.update()
     416        # 6. Adding and deleting MenuBar menu:
     417        menubar.addmenu('File', 'help')
     418        root.update()
     419        menubar.deletemenu('File')
     420        root.update()
     422        # 7. Setting OptionMenu items:
     423        optionmenu.setitems(('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'))
     424        root.update()
     426        # 8. Setting tkinter.Canvas scrollcommand option:
     427        scrollcanvas.configure(hscrollmode = 'static')
     428        scrollcanvas.configure(hscrollmode = 'dynamic')
     430        # Check memory usage:
     431        # lines = os.popen('top').readlines()
     432        lines = os.popen('top -b -n 1 -p %d' % pid).readlines()
     433        for line in lines:
     434            # if string.find(line, 'python1.5.2') > 0:
     435            if string.find(line, '^ *%d' % pid) > 0:
     436                break
     437        # size = string.atoi(string.lstrip(line[27:32]))
     438        size = string.atoi(string.lstrip(line[22:29]))
     439        if prevSize != size:
     440            print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())),)
     441            print(line[:-1])
     442            prevSize = size
     444# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     446def usageExit():
     447    print('Usage:', sys.argv[0], '<test>')
     448    print('  where <test> is one of:')
     449    for test in tests:
     450        print('   ', test)
     451    sys.exit()
     453tests = []
     454for name in list(locals().keys()):
     455    if name[-5:] == '_test':
     456        tests.append(name)
     459if len(sys.argv) != 2:
     460    usageExit()
     462testName = sys.argv[1]
     463if testName not in tests:
     464    print('Unknown test "' + testName + '"')
     465    usageExit()
     467if testName == 'reinitialise_test':
     468    # Run this by itself, since it calls tkinter.Tk, mainloop, etc.
     469    reinitialise_test()
     470    sys.exit()
     472# Use Pmw version in this distribution:
     474root = Test.root
     477# To use a different version of Pmw, comment out the three above lines
     478# and the "import Test" line and uncomment these three:
     479#   root = tkinter.Tk()
     480#   Pmw.setversion('1.0')
     481#   Pmw.initialise(root)
     483testFunction = locals()[testName]
     486if testName != 'memoryleak2_test':
     487    # This does not use mainloop.
     488    root.mainloop()
  • Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/Test.py

    diff -uNr Pmw-2.0.0/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/Test.py Pmw-2.0.0.hg/Pmw/Pmw_2_0_0/tests/Test.py
    old new  
    1111import _tkinter
    1212import inspect
     14def afterTk85():
     15    return tkinter.TkVersion > 8.5
    1417if tkinter.TkVersion >= 8.4:
    1518    refcountafterdestroy = 7
    3538sys.path[:0] = [package_dir]
    3740import Pmw
     42#disable Tkinter 85 compatibility if TKinter > 8.5
     43#if tkinter.TkVersion > 8.5:
     44#    Pmw.setTkinter85Compatible(False)
    3847# Need to import TestVersion, rather than do its work here, since
    3948# __name__ will be known there.
    4049import TestVersion