Ticket #476: Portfile

File Portfile, 859 bytes (added by kevin@…, 21 years ago)


1# $Id: $
2PortSystem 1.0
3name            trueprint
4version         5.3
5categories      print
6maintainers     norume@aps.anl.gov
7description     Prettyprinter
8long_description    GNU Trueprint takes C source files and other text files \
9                    and prints them on postscript printers. It is intended to \
10                    be used by programmers and includes a wealth of features, \
11                    including diff-marking, an indentation count, function \
12                    and file indices, and many others that are useful when \
13                    printing source code.
14homepage        http://www.gnu.org/software/trueprint/
15master_sites    ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/trueprint/
16depends_lib     lib:libintl.1:gettext
17checksums       md5 0615d55e45ca5131001b8e49bc330995
18configure.env   LDFLAGS='-L${prefix}/lib'
19build.args      'LIBS+=-lintl'