Ticket #49058: Portfile-apbs.diff.4

File Portfile-apbs.diff.4, 3.3 KB (added by dstrubbe (David Strubbe), 9 years ago)
1Index: Portfile
3--- Portfile    (revision 142427)
4+++ Portfile    (working copy)
5@@ -35,13 +35,10 @@
6 depends_lib             port:maloc \
7                         port:readline
9-# dependencies are not managed correctly within this code, so errors such as from Eigen or -lapbs_geoflow might occur
10+# dependencies are not managed correctly within this code, so errors such as from -lapbs_geoflow might occur
11+# how to solve: first 'make apbs_geoflow', then 'make all'
12 use_parallel_build no
14-# BEM needs 'gfortran', hard-coded, and configure fails without it if BEM is enabled, with a syntax error
15-#CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:217 (get_filename_component):
16-#  get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments
17-# To enable, need not only to fix that check, but also fix configure in tapipb directory to use chosen FC compiler.
18 configure.args-append   -DENABLE_OPENMP:BOOL=OFF \
19                         -DENABLE_BEM=OFF \
20                         -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1:STRING="-I${worksrcpath}/include" \
21@@ -60,6 +57,13 @@
22     mergedx mergedx2 mgmesh multivalue similarity smooth tensor2dx
23     uhbd_asc2bin value}
25+# Some cmake tests will fail with "error: unrecognized option '-arch'" from gcc 4.6 and earlier. Same with dragonegg based on it.
26+# llvm-gcc-4.2 will fail to build with: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++0x"
27+compiler.blacklist      macports-gcc-4.4 macports-gcc-4.5 macports-gcc-4.6 \
28+                        macports-dragonegg-3.3 macports-dragonegg-3.4 llvm-gcc-4.2
29+# g++ will just fail to link apbs_geoflow. probably about -lstdc++ stuff. So, just use Fortran.
30+compilers.choose        fc
32 switch ${subport} {
33     apbs {
34         compilers.setup
35@@ -117,6 +121,28 @@
36     }
37 }
39+variant bem description {Build with support for Boundary Element Method} {
40+    configure.args-delete  -DENABLE_BEM=OFF
41+    configure.args-append  -DENABLE_BEM=ON
43+    if {![fortran_variant_isset]} {
44+        ui_error "+bem requires a Fortran variant, e.g. +gfortran, +gccX, or +g95."
45+        return -code error "+bem requires a Fortran variant."
46+    }
48+    # BEM looks for 'gfortran', hard-coded, and configure fails without it if BEM is enabled, with a syntax error
49+    #CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:217 (get_filename_component):
50+    #  get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments
51+    post-patch {
52+        reinplace "s|get_filename_component(LIBGFORTRANPATH|#get_filename_component(LIBGFORTRANPATH|g" ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt
53+        reinplace "s|find_path(LIBGFORTRAN_PATH|#find_path(LIBGFORTRAN_PATH|g" ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt
54+        # -lstdc++ does not seem necessary and may cause trouble; specifying full paths avoid possible use of -ltabip from an earlier installation in ${prefix}
55+        reinplace "s|-L\${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH} -lgfortran -ltabipb -lstdc\+\+|${compilers.libfortran} ${worksrcpath}/lib/libtabipb.a|" ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt
56+        # provide this information to subsidiary cmake command run in tabipb directory during build phase
57+        reinplace "s|CMAKE_ARGS|CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER:STRING=${configure.fc}|" ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt
58+    }
61 # check for real releases, not github commits
62 livecheck.type   regex
63 livecheck.url    http://www.poissonboltzmann.org/news/