Ticket #49623: root6.diff

File root6.diff, 788 bytes (added by cjones051073 (Chris Jones), 9 years ago)
  • Portfile

    1313#github.setup       root-mirror root <sha>
    1414github.setup        root-mirror root 6-04-08 v
    1515version             6.04.08
     16revision            1
    1718# this could be a better way to set the version (unless we use a sha sum for the git tag ;)
    1819# version           [string map {- .} $version]
    239240#     configure.args-append   -DOCC_INCLUDE_DIR="${prefix}/include/oce"
    240241# }
     243variant qt4 description {Enable QT4 support} {
     244    configure.args-replace  -Dqt=OFF -Dqt=ON
     245    PortGroup qt4 1.0
    242248variant cxx14 description {Enable c++14 compiler support} {
    243249    configure.args-replace  -Dcxx14=OFF -Dcxx14=ON