Ticket #49742: website_r142512_keywords_and_cc.diff

File website_r142512_keywords_and_cc.diff, 2.0 KB (added by nhojpatrick (John Patrick), 9 years ago)
  • doc-new/guide/xml/project.xml

    271271          <para><guilabel>Keywords:</guilabel> Type any keywords that might
    272272          help when searching for tickets. It is not useful to list words here
    273273          that already appear elsewhere in the ticket. Keywords also serve as
    274           tags; for example, use <quote>tiger</quote> if reporting a bug that
    275           only affects OS X 10.4, <quote>haspatch</quote> if a fix is attached
    276           to the ticket, <quote>maintainer</quote> if you are the port's
    277           maintainer, or <quote>LP64</quote> if reporting an issue that only
    278           affects 64-bit platforms.</para>
     274          tags; for example;</para>
     276          <itemizedlist>
     277            <listitem>
     278              <para><guimenu><quote>tiger</quote></guimenu> - if reporting a bug that only affects OS X 10.4.</para>
     279            </listitem>
     281            <listitem>
     282              <para><guimenu><quote>haspatch</quote></guimenu> - if a fix is attached to the ticket.</para>
     283            </listitem>
     285            <listitem>
     286              <para><guimenu><quote>maintainer</quote></guimenu> - if you are the port's maintainer.</para>
     287            </listitem>
     289            <listitem>
     290              <para><guimenu><quote>LP64</quote></guimenu> - if reporting an issue that only affects 64-bit platforms.</para>
     291            </listitem>
     292          </itemizedlist>
    279293        </listitem>
    281295        <listitem>
    292306          email address of the port maintainer from the Portfile, or by running
    293307          <literal>port info --maintainers <replaceable>[port]</replaceable>
    294308          </literal></para>
     310          <para>When reporting do not cc any of the following; (<literal>nomaintainer@macports.org, openmaintainer@macports.org</literal>)</para>
    295311        </listitem>
    297313        <listitem>