Ticket #49820: Portfile-asymptote.diff

File Portfile-asymptote.diff, 700 bytes (added by Schamschula (Marius Schamschula), 9 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    77name                asymptote
    88version             2.35
    9 revision            1
     9revision            2
    1010categories          graphics
    1111maintainers         mojca openmaintainer
    1212description         a vector graphics language
    2727checksums           rmd160  9ec4ff746f28c93ef4f0eb1e4585e9d9f6c4a80f \
    2828                    sha256  ff3cf5b6a6a65fb1fe5b3ef1e94bf9cff8c3376f0cd7be0fdd7079c0fb46c285
     30patchfiles          patch-gsl.cc.diff
    3032# texlive-latex-recommended and texinfo are only used for building the docs
    3133# other relevant packages are:
    3234# - texlive-common