Ticket #49924: patch-attica.diff

File patch-attica.diff, 2.5 KB (added by RJVB (René Bertin), 9 years ago)
  • kde/attica/Portfile

    old new  
    22# $Id: Portfile 140960 2015-10-06 20:13:45Z michaelld@macports.org $
    44PortSystem          1.0
    5 PortGroup           kde4   1.1
    76name                attica
    87version             0.4.2
    9 revision            1
     8revision            2
    109categories          kde kde4
    1110maintainers         nicos
    1211license             LGPL-2.1
    2019checksums           rmd160  fae94a0a9b9064b3e25a00a759e2ef450bffe7d8 \
    2120                    sha256  3b9c53770862c0b21b7af7ea15951c35831126022bb8d052760d9cf8bd7ee4f8
     22if {${subport} eq "${name}"} {
     23    conflicts       "${name}-qt5"
     24    PortGroup       kde4 1.1
     25    depends_lib-delete \
     26                    port:phonon
     27    # install the headerfiles where they won't clash with those from kf5-attica
     28    patchfiles-append \
     29                    patch-includedir.diff
     30    post-patch {
     31        reinplace -W ${worksrcpath} "s|@IPREFIX@|/${kde4.include_prefix}|g" \
     32                    lib/CMakeLists.txt lib/cmake/libattica.pc.cmake
     33    }
     34    configure.args-append \
     35                    -DQT4_BUILD:BOOL=On
     36    post-destroot {
     37        ln -s libattica.0.4.dylib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/libattica.0.dylib
     38    }
     39} else {
     40    conflicts       ${name} kf5-${name}
     41    # for the time being...
     42    PortGroup       qt5 1.0
     43    PortGroup       cmake 1.0
     44    cmake.out_of_source yes
     45    patch.pre_args  -Np1
     46    patchfiles      qt5/patch-CMakeLists.diff \
     47                    qt5/patch-fix-qmap-include.diff
     48    post-extract {
     49        # install local copies of CMake files that used to be part of the ECM
     50        # but are now apparently part of kdelibs4support. When KF5 ports become
     51        # available there may be a more elegant way to build attica-qt5
     52        # cf. https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=kde-frameworks-devel@kde.org&q=subject:%22Re%5C%3A+EcmQt4To5Porting%22&f=1
     53        file copy ${filespath}/qt5/cmake/ ${worksrcpath}
     54    }
    2357platform darwin 8 {
    2458    configure.ldflags-append    -lz -lssl -lcrypto
    27 post-destroot {
    28     ln -s libattica.0.4.dylib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/libattica.0.dylib
     61subport ${name}-qt5 {
     62    description-append \
     63                    Qt5 version
     64    long_description-append \
     65                    Qt5 version
    3169livecheck.url       http://kde.mirrors.hoobly.com/stable/${name}
    3270livecheck.regex     attica-(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)