Ticket #49935: root6.diff

File root6.diff, 1.4 KB (added by cjones051073 (Chris Jones), 9 years ago)
  • Portfile

    1212# don't forget to update both the git tag and the version
    1313#github.setup       root-mirror root <sha>
    14 github.setup        root-mirror root 6-04-10 v
    15 version             6.04.10
     14github.setup        root-mirror root 6-04-12 v
     15version             6.04.12
    1717# this could be a better way to set the version (unless we use a sha sum for the git tag ;)
    1818# version           [string map {- .} $version]
    1919set version_major   [lindex [split ${version} .] 0]
    21 checksums           rmd160  3ad020153c74aef78e702d7b5b39a8eb4fdfe3b1 \
    22                     sha256  cf071e64ea0caeaa6086f5343d322f410b2358e57946330c5c78ce13051756e1
     21checksums           rmd160  a607eb11c3e84c8e61c1c7dcdad5de7daa0c998c \
     22                    sha256  140de60f190970453dd0c53aa27b33fa73fe1c8a6e863620a4c6fb9ac9a975a2
    2424name                root${version_major}
    2525categories          science
    7474                    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR="${install_prefix}/etc/root" \
    7575                    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR="${install_prefix}/lib/root" \
    7676                    -Dfortran=OFF \
     77                    -Dbuiltin_davix=ON \
    7778                    -Dbuiltin_freetype=ON \
    7879                    -Dbuiltin_glew=OFF \
    7980                    -Dbuiltin_pcre=OFF \