Ticket #50476: patch-girl.2.diff

File patch-girl.2.diff, 4.0 KB (added by dbevans (David B. Evans), 9 years ago)

Proposed patch updated to include +debug +record variants

  • Portfile

    2222use_xz              yes
    24 depends_lib         port:streamripper \
     24depends_build       port:pkgconfig \
     25                    port:intltool \
     26                    port:gtk-doc \
     27                    port:gnome-common \
     28                    port:autoconf \
     29                    port:automake \
     30                    port:yelp-tools \
     31                    port:itstool
     33depends_lib         port:desktop-file-utils \
    2534                    port:gtk2 \
    26                     port:glib2 \
     35                    path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \
    2736                    port:libgnome \
    2837                    port:libgnomeui \
    2938                    port:libxml2 \
    3140                    port:totem \
    3241                    port:zlib
     43patchfiles          patch-src-girl-gui.c.diff
     45# reconfigure using upstream autogen.sh for intltool 0.51 compatibility
     47post-patch {
     48    xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/autogen.sh ${worksrcpath}
     51configure.cmd       ./autogen.sh
     53configure.args      --disable-silent-rules
     55variant debug description {Build with debug symbols and enable debug messages} {
     56    patchfiles-append   patch-enable-debug.diff
     57    configure.optflags  -O0 -g
     60variant record description {Enable recording using external streamripper (broken)} {
     61    depends_lib-append      port:streamripper
     62    configure.args-append   --with-recording
     65post-activate {
     66   system "${prefix}/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t ${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor"
     67   system "${prefix}/bin/update-desktop-database ${prefix}/share/applications"
    3470livecheck.type      gnome
    36 configure.args      --with-recording \
    37                     --disable-silent-rules \
    38                     --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
  • files/autogen.sh

     2# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
     4srcdir=`dirname $0`
     5test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
     9(test -f $srcdir/src/girl.c) || {
     10    echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the"
     11    echo " top-level $PKG_NAME directory"
     12    exit 1
     15which gnome-autogen.sh || {
     16    echo "You need to install gnome-common from the GNOME CVS"
     17    exit 1
     25USE_GNOME2_MACROS=1 . gnome-autogen.sh
  • files/patch-enable-debug.diff

     1--- src/Makefile.am.orig        2016-01-31 02:54:15.000000000 -0800
     2+++ src/Makefile.am     2016-01-31 02:54:38.000000000 -0800
     3@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     4 girl_CFLAGS  = $(GIRL_CFLAGS) \
     5               -DGIRL_DATADIR=\"$(datadir)/girl\" \
     6               -DDATADIR=\"$(datadir)\" \
     7-              -DGIRL_DEBUG=1 \
     8+              -DGIRL_DEBUG=0 \
     9               -DGIRL_CFG \
     10               -DGIRL_HELPER_PLAYER=\"$(GIRL_HELPER_PLAYER)\" \
     11               -DGIRL_HELPER_RECORD=\"$(GIRL_HELPER_RECORD)\" \
  • files/patch-src-girl-gui.c.diff

     1--- src/girl-gui.c.orig 2016-02-01 13:53:13.000000000 -0800
     2+++ src/girl-gui.c      2016-02-01 13:55:57.000000000 -0800
     3@@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@
     4               girl->selected_streams_bitrate);
     5        GIRL_DEBUG_MSG("girl->selected_streams_samplerate: %s\n",
     6               girl->selected_streams_samplerate);
     7-       GIRL_DEBUG_MSG("girl->selected_channels: %s\n",
     8+       GIRL_DEBUG_MSG("girl->selected_channels: %0x\n",
     9               girl->selected_streams_channels);
     11        gnome_config_pop_prefix();