Ticket #50547: Portfile

File Portfile, 3.9 KB (added by RJVB (René Bertin), 9 years ago)
1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id:$
4PortSystem          1.0
5PortGroup           cmake 1.0
6PortGroup           github 1.0
8github.setup        KDE clazy 3bf56cbf65f5b6fa9ba1defba3f2f770b88a9548
9fetch.type          git
11name                clazy
12version             0
13categories          devel
14maintainers         gmail.com:rjvbertin
15license             GPL-2
16description         Qt oriented code checker based on LLVM.
17long_description    The clazy static checker provides an LLVM plugin that can check and sometimes fix issues in C++ code. \
18                    The included checks are oriented at development using Qt.
19platforms           darwin
21# fetching via git means a more convenient constant distname can be used.
22distname            ${name}-git
23checksums           rmd160  e7d71b5ead2e2a79e16af8a9cace4656061b278a \
24                    sha256  13781f00ce90b4abdc6441033e1b2e9f9854b862b3adfe1674a2c61c6cd7b889
26variant system_cxx description {build using the system C++ compiler instead of the target clang++ version} {}
28patchfiles-append   patch-CMakeLists.diff \
29                    patch-wrapper.diff
31cmake.out_of_source yes
33# define subports for the supported/available Clang versions. Those are not complete
34# definitions, post-patch and post-destroot operations have to be done outside of
35# the definition loop.
36foreach lv {3.6 3.7 3.8} {
37    subport ${name}-${lv} {
38        depends_lib-append \
39                port:llvm-${lv} port:clang-${lv}
40        configure.args-append \
41                -DLLVM_ROOT=${prefix}/libexec/llvm-${lv}
42        if {![variant_isset system_cxx]} {
43            configure.args-append \
44                -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${prefix}/bin/clang-mp-${lv} \
45                -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${prefix}/bin/clang++-mp-${lv}
46        }
47    }
50if {${subport} eq "${name}"} {
51    pre-fetch {
52        ui_error "This port provides the LLVM version-specific subports and is not supposed to be installed"
53        return -code error "This port is not installable"
54    }
55} else {
56    array set lip {
57        clazy-3.6 libexec/llvm-3.6
58        clazy-3.7 libexec/llvm-3.7
59        clazy-3.8 libexec/llvm-3.8
60    }
61    array set ccxx {
62        clazy-3.6 clang++-mp-3.6
63        clazy-3.7 clang++-mp-3.7
64        clazy-3.8 clang++-mp-3.8
65    }
66    post-patch {
67        # cmake's "find_package(clang ...)" command will provide an LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX
68        # variable, but that variable will be the normalised (resolved) full path if ever
69        # ${prefix} is a symlink to, say, a directory on a different partition.
70        # Ultimately the ClangClazy plugin would end up at the same location, but "base"
71        # will complain about a destroot violation.
72        # We avoid this by ensuring the file gets installed going through the symlink.
73        # This is done outside of the subport-definition loop above because that would
74        # set the install prefix to the one for the last defined subport ...
75        if {[info exists lip(${subport})]} {
76            reinplace "s|@LLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX@|${prefix}/$lip(${subport})|g" \
77                ${worksrcpath}/CMakeLists.txt
78        } else {
79            # this should only happen when a subport for a clang version was added or removed
80            # above, and $lip wasn't updated.
81            ui_error "post-patch for unknown subport ${subport}"
82            return -code error "outdated Portfile"
83        }
84    }
85    post-destroot {
86        # reuse $lip(${subport}) without further need for testing if it exists
87        system "install_name_tool -id ${prefix}/$lip(${subport})/lib/ClangLazy.dylib \
88            ${destroot}${prefix}/$lip(${subport})/lib/ClangLazy.dylib"
89        reinplace "s|@CLANGPP@|$ccxx(${subport})|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/clazy
90        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}
91        xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/README ${worksrcpath}/HOWTO \
92            ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}
93    }