Ticket #51054: faust2-devel-Portfile.diff

File faust2-devel-Portfile.diff, 1.2 KB (added by agraef (Albert Graef), 8 years ago)
  • Portfile

    77conflicts               faust faust-devel
    88# When updating faust2-devel to a new version, please rebuild faustlive-devel
    99# simultaneously by increasing its revision or updating it to a new version.
    10 version                 2.0-20150520
    11 revision                1
    12 git.branch              3b6e4e3ee652f5bbf63618b0527d2f091b78c3af
     10version                 2.0-20160426
     11git.branch              b3c42db30145fee76d5eeac98a878e82cf3698e5
    1312categories              audio lang
    1413platforms               darwin
    1514maintainers             ryandesign gmail.com:aggraef
    3938                        path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl
    4140post-patch {
     41    reinplace "s|/usr/local/|/usr/./local/|g" \
     42        ${worksrcpath}/tools/faust2appls/faust2faustvst
    4243    reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" \
    4344        ${worksrcpath}/compiler/parser/enrobage.cpp \
    4445        ${worksrcpath}/compiler/tlib/compatibility.cpp \
    5253            }
    5354        }
    5455    }
     56    reinplace "s|/usr/./local/|/usr/local/|g" \
     57        ${worksrcpath}/tools/faust2appls/faust2faustvst
    5760use_configure           no