Ticket #51578: paraview_Portfile.diff

File paraview_Portfile.diff, 1.4 KB (added by jjstickel (Jonathan Stickel), 8 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    4242# https://github.com/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-dev/
    4343patchfiles          patch-ThirdParty-IceT-vtkicet-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
    4444    patch-VTK-Cmake-GenerateExportHeader.cmake \
    45     patch-VTK-Cmake-vtkCompilerExtras.cmake
     45    patch-VTK-Cmake-vtkCompilerExtras.cmake \
     46    ffmpeg3_compat.patch
    4748depends_build-append    port:readline \
    4849    port:netcdf \
    126127        "\n Currently Paraview installs as an app, including the Python modules. To use with macports python, add /Applications/Macports/paraview.app/Contents/Python/:/Applications/MacPorts/paraview.app/Contents/Libraries/ to PYTHONPATH and /Applications/MacPorts/paraview.app/Contents/Libraries/ to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Also, simultaneous use of Mayavi may result in segfault."
    129 # does not work, gives:
    130 # VTK/IO/FFMPEG/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:281:36: error: use of undeclared identifier 'PIX_FMT_RGB24'; did you mean 'AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24'?
    131 #variant ffmpeg description {Add support for FFMPEG} {
    132 #    depends_lib-append port:ffmpeg
    133 #    configure.args-append -DPARAVIEW_ENABLE_FFMPEG:BOOL=ON
    134 #}
     130variant ffmpeg description {Add support for FFMPEG} {
     131   depends_lib-append port:ffmpeg
     132   configure.args-append -DPARAVIEW_ENABLE_FFMPEG:BOOL=ON
    136 default_variants-append    +python27
    137 #+ffmpeg
     135default_variants-append    +python27 +ffmpeg
    139137livecheck.type      regex
    140138livecheck.url       ${homepage}