1 | $ sudo port install wine-devel |
2 | ---> Computing dependencies for wine-devel |
3 | The following dependencies will be installed: |
4 | Xft2 |
5 | at-spi2-atk |
6 | at-spi2-core |
7 | atk |
8 | autoconf |
9 | automake |
10 | bison |
11 | bison-runtime |
12 | bzip2 |
13 | cairo |
14 | curl-ca-bundle |
15 | db48 |
16 | dbus |
17 | desktop-file-utils |
18 | expat |
19 | flex |
20 | fontconfig |
21 | freetype |
22 | gdk-pixbuf2 |
23 | gettext |
24 | glib2 |
25 | gmp |
26 | gnutls |
27 | gobject-introspection |
28 | graphite2 |
29 | gstreamer1 |
30 | gstreamer1-gst-plugins-base |
31 | gtk3 |
32 | harfbuzz |
33 | hicolor-icon-theme |
34 | jasper |
35 | jpeg |
36 | lcms2 |
37 | libGLU |
38 | libedit |
39 | libepoxy |
40 | libffi |
41 | libiconv |
42 | libidn |
43 | libogg |
44 | libopus |
45 | libpcap |
46 | libpixman |
47 | libpng |
48 | libtasn1 |
49 | libtheora |
50 | libtool |
51 | libunistring |
52 | libvorbis |
53 | libxml2 |
54 | libxslt |
55 | m4 |
56 | mesa |
57 | ncurses |
58 | nettle |
59 | openssl |
60 | orc |
61 | p11-kit |
62 | pango |
63 | pcre |
64 | pkgconfig |
65 | popt |
66 | py27-beaker |
67 | py27-mako |
68 | py27-markupsafe |
69 | py27-setuptools |
70 | python27 |
71 | python2_select |
72 | python35 |
73 | python3_select |
74 | python_select |
75 | readline |
76 | shared-mime-info |
77 | sqlite3 |
78 | tiff |
79 | xorg-compositeproto |
80 | xorg-damageproto |
81 | xorg-dri2proto |
82 | xorg-fixesproto |
83 | xorg-glproto |
84 | xorg-inputproto |
85 | xorg-kbproto |
86 | xorg-libX11 |
87 | xorg-libXau |
88 | xorg-libXcomposite |
89 | xorg-libXcursor |
90 | xorg-libXdamage |
91 | xorg-libXdmcp |
92 | xorg-libXext |
93 | xorg-libXfixes |
94 | xorg-libXi |
95 | xorg-libXinerama |
96 | xorg-libXmu |
97 | xorg-libXrandr |
98 | xorg-libXt |
99 | xorg-libXtst |
100 | xorg-libXv |
101 | xorg-libXxf86vm |
102 | xorg-libice |
103 | xorg-libpthread-stubs |
104 | xorg-libsm |
105 | xorg-libxcb |
106 | xorg-randrproto |
107 | xorg-recordproto |
108 | xorg-renderproto |
109 | xorg-util-macros |
110 | xorg-videoproto |
111 | xorg-xcb-proto |
112 | xorg-xcb-util |
113 | xorg-xextproto |
114 | xorg-xf86vidmodeproto |
115 | xorg-xineramaproto |
116 | xorg-xproto |
117 | xrender |
118 | xz |
119 | zlib |