1 | # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 |
2 | |
3 | PortSystem 1.0 |
4 | PortGroup cmake 1.0 |
5 | |
6 | name ligotools |
7 | version 1.2.0 |
8 | categories science |
9 | platforms darwin |
10 | maintainers ligo.org:ed.maros |
11 | license GPL-3+ |
12 | |
13 | description This is a collection of tools used by the LIGO scientific community |
14 | long_description ${description} |
15 | |
16 | homepage https://wiki.ligo.org/DASWG/LIGOTools |
17 | master_sites http://software.ligo.org/lscsoft/source/ |
18 | |
19 | checksums rmd160 a1639a9ea5abf4827e06a6a5ecde3595b3e68303 \ |
20 | sha256 3a9bd2a7604257a37c595655349f1e3001c7f063b75354526b702b996ee12e72 |
21 | |
22 | depends_lib port:tcl |
23 | |
24 | livecheck.type regex |
25 | livecheck.url ${master_sites} |
26 | livecheck.regex {ligotools-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz} |