Ticket #53671: upgrade-bochs.diff

File upgrade-bochs.diff, 6.6 KB (added by Nax (Maxime Bacoux), 8 years ago)
  • Portfile

    diff -bur bochs.orig/Portfile bochs/Portfile
    old new  
    11PortSystem          1.0
    33name                bochs
    4 version             2.4.5
    5 revision            4
     4version             2.6.8
    65categories          emulators
    76license             LGPL-2.1+
    87platforms           darwin
    98maintainers         @Nax
    11 description         cross platform ia-32 emulator
     10description         cross platform x86 and x86_64 emulator
    13 long_description    Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) \
     12long_description    Bochs is a highly portable open source x86 and x86_64 \
    1413                    PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular \
    1514                    platforms. It emulates the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O \
    1615                    devices, and a custom BIOS.
    1817homepage            http://bochs.sourceforge.net/
    1918master_sites        sourceforge
    21 checksums           md5     fda7eadcd9590934d2901f8439631463 \
    22                     sha1    e334d31efd79c80454018c9cdafaa0eb75cb018a \
    23                     rmd160  a5a52d8f58b8ad7b1d544d4f89043244d99fa242
     20checksums           sha256  79700ef0914a0973f62d9908ff700ef7def62d4a28ed5de418ef61f3576585ce \
     21                    rmd160  cf6f9a427559c79e18c208a89e7146b6e9798ea5
    2523patchfiles          patch-.bochsrc.diff
    27 depends_lib         port:xorg-libX11 \
    28                     port:xorg-libsm \
    29                     port:xpm \
    30                     port:gettext
     25depends_lib         port:gettext \
     26                    port:readline
    3228configure.args      --exec-prefix=${prefix} \
    3329                    --bindir=${prefix}/bin \
    3430                    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
     31                    --enable-cpu-level=6 \
    3532                    --enable-all-optimizations \
     33                    --enable-x86-64 \
     34                    --enable-pci \
    3635                    --enable-vbe \
     36                    --enable-clgd54xx \
     37                    --enable-voodoo \
     38                    --enable-ne2000 \
     39                    --enable-e1000 \
     40                    --enable-usb \
     41                    --enable-usb-ohci \
     42                    --enable-usb-xhci \
    3743                    --enable-cdrom \
    38                     --with-x11
     44                    --enable-logging \
     45                    --enable-plugins \
     46                    --enable-readline \
     47                    --with-nogui
    40 # Disable sound support, see ticket #23938
    41 #configure.args-append --enable-sb16=osx
     49variant debugger description {Enable bochs internal debugger} conflicts gdbstub {
     50    configure.args-append --enable-debugger --enable-disasm
    4353variant smp description {Enable symmetric multi-processor support} conflicts gdbstub {
    44     configure.args-append --enable-smp --enable-cpu-level=6
     54    configure.args-append --enable-smp
    47 variant gdbstub description {Enable GDB stub debugging} conflicts smp {
     57variant gdbstub description {Enable GDB stub debugging} conflicts smp debugger {
    4858    configure.args-append --enable-gdb-stub
     61variant avx description {Enable AVX support} {
     62    configure.args-append --enable-avx --enable-evex
     65variant x11 {
     66    configure.args-append   --with-x11
     67    depends_lib-append      port:xorg-libX11 \
     68                            port:xorg-libsm \
     69                            port:xpm
     72variant sdl description {Enable SDL GUI} {
     73    configure.args-append   --with-sdl
     74    depends_lib-append      port:libsdl
     77variant sdl2 description {Enable SDL2 GUI} {
     78    configure.args-append   --with-sdl2
     79    depends_lib-append      port:libsdl2
     82variant term description {Enable text-mode GUI} {
     83    configure.args-append   --with-term
     84    depends_lib-append      port:ncurses
     87default_variants +smp +avx +sdl2 +term
    5189post-destroot {
    5290    reinplace "s|\$BXSHARE/|${prefix}/share/bochs/|g" \
    5391        ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/bochs/bochsrc-sample.txt
  • files/patch-.bochsrc.diff

    diff -bur bochs.orig/files/patch-.bochsrc.diff bochs/files/patch-.bochsrc.diff
    old new  
    1 --- .bochsrc.orig       2010-04-24 04:36:03.000000000 -0500
    2 +++ .bochsrc    2010-04-27 23:47:57.000000000 -0500
    3 @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
    4  # The parameter 'type' can be used to enable the floppy drive without media
    5  # and status specified. Usually the drive type is set up based on the media type.
     1--- .bochsrc.orig       2017-03-01 14:04:04.000000000 +0100
     2+++ .bochsrc    2017-03-01 14:06:18.000000000 +0100
     3@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
     4 # The optional parameter 'write_protected' can be used to control the media
     5 # write protect switch. By default it is turned off.
    66 #=======================================================================
    77-floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0, status=inserted
    88+#floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0, status=inserted
    99 #floppya: image=../1.44, status=inserted
    1010 #floppya: 1_44=/dev/fd0H1440, status=inserted
    1111 #floppya: 1_2=../1_2, status=inserted
    12 @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
    13  #   parport2: enabled=1, file="/dev/lp0"
    14  #   parport1: enabled=0
     12@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
     13 #   ata3-master: type=disk, mode=flat, path=483M.sample, cylinders=1024, heads=15, spt=63
     14 #   ata3-slave:  type=cdrom, path=iso.sample, status=inserted
    1515 #=======================================================================
    16 -parport1: enabled=1, file="parport.out"
    17 +#parport1: enabled=1, file="parport.out"
    19  #=======================================================================
    20  # SB16:
    21 @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
    22  #   sb16: midimode=1, midi="", wavemode=1, wave=""           # win32
    23  #   sb16: midimode=1, midi=alsa:128:0, wavemode=1, wave=alsa # Linux with ALSA
     16-ata0-master: type=disk, mode=flat, path="30M.sample"
     17+#ata0-master: type=disk, mode=flat, path="30M.sample"
     18 #ata0-master: type=disk, mode=flat, path="30M.sample", cylinders=615, heads=6, spt=17
     19 #ata0-master: type=disk, mode=flat, path="c.img", cylinders=0 # autodetect
     20 #ata0-slave: type=disk, mode=vvfat, path=/bochs/images/vvfat, journal=vvfat.redolog
     21@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@
     22 # Example for different drivers:
     23 #   sound: waveoutdrv=sdl, waveindrv=alsa, midioutdrv=dummy
    2424 #=======================================================================
    25 -#sb16: midimode=1, midi=/dev/midi00, wavemode=1, wave=/dev/dsp, loglevel=2, log=sb16.log, dmatimer=600000
    26 +sb16: midimode=1, midi=/dev/midi00, wavemode=1, wave=/dev/dsp, loglevel=2, log=sb16.log, dmatimer=600000
     25-sound: driver=default, waveout=/dev/dsp. wavein=, midiout=
     26+#sound: driver=default, waveout=/dev/dsp. wavein=, midiout=
    2828 #=======================================================================
     29 # SPEAKER: